I thought i made myself clear before about what we do and the intensity and level of training i deliver but obviously not as there is always someone else to have a go. I offer a full backup aftercare service as the people i have trained will know, they can ring me, email, contact me in anyway any time after they have left and they will have a lightning response to their question.
I train people from all over the UK, Europe and as far as Australia so going visiting them all after they have finished is unrealistic as for calling tilers to see if they will take someone free of charge well this is totally unrealistic as well, we are not just training the odd person and like i said people travel from all over the place to come to my training. Even if i was to spend hours ringing around trying to find a tiler to take just 1 person on free, how good is that tiler, i stated before there are a lot of people tiling out there doing great work but also very substandard work so would that particular tiler be a good role model. I think not.
I see you do a 1 day course showing people a demonstration of how to deal with your porcelain product only. We are a totally different concept to you, we give people a full understanding of starting a career as a tiler with every background and every different type of tile from there its over them to pave there own way in the world like every other tiler had to, start off and build and learn along the way. My aftercare gives them that bit more confidence where they have someone to trust and talk to if they need it.
What would be the point of this forum if everyone knew everything, i bet there are experienced tilers that have still learned things from some of the topic on here.
I am done wasting my time answering these kind of questions on this post which was only to show what standard from nothing you can get to in a short time on our course. I have made myself quite clear what we teach as a tiling training facility. If you don't like short courses then thats your opinion, and if there were none where do you learn this trade, from a tiler that maybe good or not so good, even so, does he have the time to teach you and let you practice on his customers walls, I think not.