So today I started my course with Darren.
I thought I would give a brief run down of each day so others could get a feel for what's on offer and what you can do on a course, if you're interested.
This post is not to instigate a "for or against short courses" debate. That's been done enough. This post is to let future members know what Uk Trades Training has to offer.
Day 1
Arrived and was welcomed with a brew while we did the mandatory health & safety etc.
Then into the tiling area.
Today we have learnt how to set out a room, both walls and floors.
We've practiced dry and wet cuts, straight and curved. Cuts for round obstacles like pedestals etc.
We've used dry and wet cutters, nippers, levels and covered datum lines, floors and walls that run out of plumb/square.
I have set out allowing for obstacles etc an area equivalent to 5 separate rooms inc. corridors etc. The rooms are not all square and walls not all plumb. We've covered splash backs including what to do when counters are level, walls out etc
Tomorrow it's tiling those rooms and also a lot of class room work reference back grounds etc.
The amount of material we have covered today is huge, but very clear.
I've not slept for 3 nights due to being in hospital with my son..... Yet I could still understand it all. Hopefully I'll remember it too ;-)