walls or floor?

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Depends on the job and the type of tile. If it's a bathroom I usually do the floor first, but sometimes it's easier to do the walls first.
walls first and then floor, unless as said above continuous grout lines where the floor tile size/pattern matches..

there will be the odd time when the floor has to go in first but as long as the floor is well covered and clean then there shouldnt be too much too worry about..

In a bathroom would normally do floor first so the plumber can check if pipes need to be moved as floor height has been raised, then walls.

ETL Pro Tiling
I would norm board floor, then floor ,walls

I cover the floor with heavy duty cardboard:smilewinkgrin:

Then protect with cordex.
acciddents can happen but i`d say that most tilers here would be skilled & competent enough not to damage the floor.
but we are human.
(I havent done many residentials so i suppose i cant really comment.)
if the grout lines are to marry up,I normally do the floor first so that I have a grid plan for my wall tiles to follow, this also lets you hide the perimeter expansion joint with the wall tiles

I'm with Doug on this, if floor and wall joints pick up. I will lay floor first, easier than squaring everything up,and risk being a couple of mill out:thumbsup:
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if the grout lines are to marry up,I normally do the floor first so that I have a grid plan for my wall tiles to follow, this also lets you hide the perimeter expansion joint with the wall tiles

I'm with Doug on this, if floor and wall joints pick up. I will lay floor first, easier than squaring everything up,and risk being a couple of mill out:thumbsup:

Same here and what does it matter if you get a bit of mess on the new floor. It will clean easily and i usually give the floor a final wipe over as i leave the job anyway.


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