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Staff member
Staffordshire, UK
What's with this war or whatever we're calling it that's going on in Libya? Why are we all of a sudden trying to knock gadaffi off his seat when for decades we've sold arms to him? Has he upped our oil prices or something?

We're claiming it's because he's killing civilians, and I'm sure he is, but so are dozens of other leaders of country's. And checkout the pirates we're not doing much about that keep kidnapping people.

It's sooooo bloody corrupt and it's all right there in our faces but on the news it's we're being portrayed as saviours for arming and / or backing what we call "rebels" which are actually just civilians.

And as America questionablly started an illegal war with afgan or iran or whatever it was against the UN that said don't do it; they've now just started another war and then backed right off saying it's England and France that was first in. Although 90% of the aircraft bombings are American. What's all that about? I'm guessing America don't want to have Cables floating around in 5 years time showing it was all down to oil or something.

It's mad. Taxes, saving bankers, hikes, wars, unemployment, yada yada yada. I'm sodding off to Australia the moment I can. They seem to keep out of it all which is bloody fair play IMO.

Anybody else confused as to what's really going on?


I must admit, Dan, I am confused, too. It's such a different situation to Egypt, where the whole populus was pretty much in unison and when I was in Egypt before it all kicked off I never heard a single good thing about Mubarak & Co, from an side of society, neither Christian nor Muslim, rich or poor.

Now, with Lybia, I am confused about the numbers of supporters of Gadaffi compared to the numbers of what are termed 'rebels' against him - personally I thought Russia had it right when they said we are interfering in a civil war. The amount of arms on show is shocking - where do those civilians get these weapons from and as you rightly say, Dan, Gadaffi's troups are obviously well equipped, it's all just horrible and scary. The idea even to give arms to untrained civilians seems mad to me... and considering the danger of any weapons possibly supporting Islamic extremists in the process - madness.

If our government as well as the USA were really into saving civilians they would stop supporting Israel, and help give the Palestinians a break, talk about crimes against humanity, absolutely disgraceful what is going on here. It also strikes me that the whole onus in the news about Lybia very conveniently takes the focus away from the battles the thousands of British demonstrators are fighting, the fight against those cuts that are happening, when there is obviously still enough money to play war and giving bonuses to all and sundry in the banking and political sector.


Staff member
Staffordshire, UK
Innit. lol

Oil firms stopped the guy who invented a rotary engine that ran on water, not sure if they assassinated him or something back in the 50's or whatever, saw a documentary about it a few years ago. Shocking to hear what lengths the oil companies go to, to ensure the world will keep needing oil.

General Electric or Global Electric or whatever it is own banks, land in countries, shares in oil, and I'm guessing they'll be the ones behind telling which country needs to attack which other next.

Our Government need to get some balls and say 'oi, we haven't been attacked by another country since the last world war, we want nothing to do with your wars'. It's normally America that sticks their nose in first and right behind them with a clipboard and pen is most of the EU.

UN must have dodgy routes as they seem to 'approve' all this. Yet they're meant to be peace keepers aren't they?


Staff member
Staffordshire, UK
We never benefit as we're nowt to do with the bigger oil firms. It's all american investors, bankers, and they're using other country's soldiers to line their pockets. I always turn the page of the paper when i see the headline 'another soldiers life taken, families have been informed' as I think to myself - well that was worth a life - stopping oil increasing in price for 12 months by 1p a barrel. Only for any profits we gain from taking control of refineries go into swiss bank accounts and never contributed back into the world.

Yacht builders must be booming right now.

What's laughable is years ago the lies involved in wars wouldn't be re-told for decades. This day and age we know they're lies, but we still just get up, go to work, carry on paying the tax bills, keep funding it all. It's madness.


The oil is always involved.
I think it's a joke as usual.
Between weapons of mass destruction myths and ruling dictators who seem to be able to control their countries better that the pillock who control us !! i just don't know.
In Libya the coalition are being called into to clear the path for the rebels !!!
Rebels who.... have no command structure, as unorganized as a pack of dogs.
They need weapons too,lol.
Deep recession and then no end to the money going out to fund all this crap!!!
I feel for the americans too, so many of the people can't even afford medical costs and the government doesn't subsidize either by the looks, yet look at the war machine???
The world is cuckoo.


I have investments in some oil reseach companies from the UK who are up to now exploring sites in Libia. Tony Blair rubbed shoulders with Libia as we need oil, basically saying he wanted Libia back in the World from their expolsion, hence the man who bought down the TWA jumbo being let out of prison.

We should have let them get on with it, non of our basiness. Three weeks ago, the Muslim Council agreed to the NU to take action. BUT, Muslims in general feel its another intervention by a Western Country. Does that ring a bell? Iraq! OK, desert storm 1, ok, but 2......NO.

Is it because its on our door step or oil............look at the UK, they saved our butts!!! Give them oil!

Even the USA are back stepping, as they know it will end in tears.

My advice, let them get on with it, and buy hybred cars!!!!
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