The D
Do you know the weight of the limestone if it is the same as the trav 18kg the adhesive and grout are 3.25kg that is 21.25kg 1.25kg over the limit (not worth worrying about m8)What a great forum with all the helpful advice I have been given so far. The tiles that I am thinking of using are 30.5cm by 30.5cm limestone which are 10mm thick. I am moving away from the same size tile in Travertine as from what I have learned is that I would have to butter the back of the tile to file the holes and also apply adheasive to the wall which would up the weight even more. I have paid a visit to a tile shop and they told me that some of the ceramics weigh more than natural stone. Loks like the only thing that I can put on the wall without risk is paint or wallpaper that looks like limestone