I have moved from Rubi ts40 .. rubi ts60 .. rubi ts 50+ and rubi tx700 to ........ Sigma 2G .. Sigma 3BK and newest member to my Sigma collection the Sigma 3EK.... so no guess to where my vote went. 🙂
I've put Rubi but I have to say that my TS 50L plus is a big disappointment. Hoping for great things from it but sadly it won't cut porcelain (just detonates them at the pressure point) and I use my much smaller old Plasplugs Contractor for small ceramics. Angle grinder does it best for me!
I've owned a Rubi ts40 for over 20 years and it's still going strong, however, due to a rapid increase in tile sizes I've recently upgraded to a tx700n, but it needs two men and a boy just to lift it and takes up most of the room in an average bathroom. I find the very long variable angle back stop extremely useful and accurate with its nearly 600mm measured increments.