Left school and went to college to do a GNVQ in sport and leaisure. Went on to Liverpool uni to do a degree in sports Science & football (yes you can now do a degree in the science of football!). Did that, during which time i coached football to youngsters for the galactico's of Nottingham Forest. Also went to America for three months to coach 'soccer'. That was mint but only a three month contract.
Went out to Malia for a summer and worked in a bar dragging the British p***heads of the streets trying to force ale down their necks (quite easy really!). After uni, gor a job as a Sports Development Officer in a school which was a lottery funded post, but crap money, boring job, working with a bunch of t****rs where people can't get anything sorted like adults. The types who have a meeting about having a meeting and still nothing sorted.
Decided i would try my hand at Tiling so did a PITT 4 week course a year ago and have been tiling since then. Can't say i wake up everyday and look forward to going to work and tiling doesn't really fill me with joy, but the money can be good and it can be satisfying when you get good walls, nice tiles etc. On the other hand, you can get cheapo tiles and bumpy walls and be pulling your hair out for most of the day :mad2: . Got lots of work on but it stresses me out trying to fit everyone in, but it would also stress me out if i had no to book in. Swings and roundabouts i suppose. Like you say, their are always people out there in worse situations than you so you have to look on the bright side.