Yes it is i think it was formaly PTS now Specialist training courses. The trainers are top draw i have learned so much in 4 days there is a hell of a lot to take onboard.
The trainers have always got time to explain something or advise on the best methods to use. Its becoming more complex now but with the help i hope to get some grounded skills, then its of to balls up my own bathroom a few times over before i use proper adhesive for a finished article.
Following on from previous days instead of talking about the presentaions and theory work because theres to much i will just keep to the practicals.
So now we sent to do an estimate and to
tile the wall to a certain height and to
tile the floor with a feature. I just hope i get the quote right then theres just the very small matter of tiling the floor and wall :yikes:
is it a pts course you are doing, looks like it, if so they are good teachers they will see u alright, its good to double check and sometimes it pays to walk away from it for a min then go back and look again, it looks like u coming along nicely