What one thing would you implement to 'fix' the economy ?

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i agree with alot of these comments and most certainly with national service .
but what i would really like any government we have in power to do is , get rid of this cash work, no tax that goes on .
the amount of tax that is lost must be quite staggering.
I would put my wife in charge of the economy... It wouldn't sort things out but we'd all have nice shoes and she would enjoy shopping with the taxpayers cash..... Oh hang on though ..... That would be nothing different would it??
Build 500k council houses and do not allow people to buy them. This gives the country an asset , houses those who need to be housed , gets the construction industry underway etc etc.

However this unlikely to happen because of a few things. This extra housing stock would bring down the price of houses to where they should be which would :

a. Upset the house owning voters who believe their homes are currently worth much more than what they are .
b. Probably tip many into Neg Eq.
c. Shaft the banks as most of toxic stuff they hold is property related and would thus send their capital adequecy ratios up the creak.
d. Upset the buy to let brigade who have been left to ride rough shod over first time buyers by competing for the same properties but with tax breaks.

ya dee ya dee ya , I could go on , this is all a consequence of course of third way politics , cheap debt , cheap immigrant labour , and cheap imported chinese goods. Clinton & New Labour and the west in general have a lot to answer for imho are currently only reaping what they have sown .

I'll get my coat.


Build 500k council houses and do not allow people to buy them. This gives the country an asset , houses those who need to be housed , gets the construction industry underway etc etc.

However this unlikely to happen because of a few things. This extra housing stock would bring down the price of houses to where they should be which would :

a. Upset the house owning voters who believe their homes are currently worth much more than what they are .
b. Probably tip many into Neg Eq.
c. Shaft the banks as most of toxic stuff they hold is property related and would thus send their capital adequecy ratios up the creak.
d. Upset the buy to let brigade who have been left to ride rough shod over first time buyers by competing for the same properties but with tax breaks.

ya dee ya dee ya , I could go on , this is all a consequence of course of third way politics , cheap debt , cheap immigrant labour , and cheap imported chinese goods. Clinton & New Labour and the west in general have a lot to answer for imho are currently only reaping what they have sown .

I'll get my coat.



To house people like Abu Qatada and Hamza, you know, those who embrace the country, and put in a hard days work, pay their taxes, and help out on the community. Oh I forgot these sponging low lifes already have 500k houses paid for by us mugs!!!
No thats not who or what I'm referring to , did you see me mention their likes in my post? no.

My point is more to do with bringing down the average cost of housing to make it more accessible to FTBs , which would be achieved by the above idea. You can argue about whom you want to put in that social housing at the next political debate you attend , but for now it would create jobs , roofs over peoples heads and an asset for the uk.

When was the last time you heard a politician say we need 'cheaper' housing , you haven't . The pc term they use for the masses is 'affordable' , which is a completely different thing.

Cheaper housing is a house that costs around 4 times average earnings ( about £100k ) .

Affordable housing is an expensive house ( current avg price is around 6 times average earnings or about £160k ) bought on cheap debt - the third way economic model - this model creates the illusion of wealth when in fact for most it means a bigger mortgage and a house full of cheap imported chinese tat , house prices are afterall a matter of opinion and not a matter of fact coupled with the amount of money a bank is prepared to lend.


Plenty of sub 100k houses in my area Diggy. Plenty of jobs too. Just the majority of snobs in my area prefer to do nowt all day rather than working for national minimum wage.
I'm sure there are , but it's all relative to where you live. But getting back to point of the post , it's the construction industry that needs boosting as yet again it showed a a drop in output in yesterdays GDP figures.

Whether people want to build social housing , private housing or commercial property I don't particularly care but SOMETHING has to be done to boost construction because all that is happening is tinkering at the edges at the moment.

Funny , the government made a choice to give Irish banks £7Bil last year in order for them in turn to pay back money they owed to British banks. How about investing £7Bil in the UK economy instead of backdoor bailouts to banks.

Stop the freeloaders, and spongers benefits, and make them all work for the councils repairing the road infastructre.

Hundreds and thousands of hard working families are on borderline poverty, but becasue they are being taxed to the hilt, they are struggling like never before.
Yet the lazy scum bags that sit on their fat behinds expecting everything, getr everything given to them!

Plus stop sending forieng aid to all countries. We need it more than they do!


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