Time's Ran Out
Make every person in the country SELF EMPLOYED!
Build 500k council houses and do not allow people to buy them. This gives the country an asset , houses those who need to be housed , gets the construction industry underway etc etc.
However this unlikely to happen because of a few things. This extra housing stock would bring down the price of houses to where they should be which would :
a. Upset the house owning voters who believe their homes are currently worth much more than what they are .
b. Probably tip many into Neg Eq.
c. Shaft the banks as most of toxic stuff they hold is property related and would thus send their capital adequecy ratios up the creak.
d. Upset the buy to let brigade who have been left to ride rough shod over first time buyers by competing for the same properties but with tax breaks.
ya dee ya dee ya , I could go on , this is all a consequence of course of third way politics , cheap debt , cheap immigrant labour , and cheap imported chinese goods. Clinton & New Labour and the west in general have a lot to answer for imho are currently only reaping what they have sown .
I'll get my coat.