What's That Noise?

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I parked outside a clients house this morning and when I finished and started loading my tools I thought I could hear a cat. I looked around but couldn't see one and carried on loading my van. I then listened closer and it seemed to be coming from under my bonnet. I opened it and this is what I found!
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I can't keep it. My dogs wouldn't be keen and my wife's allergic to cats.

I left it in the area I found it in case the mother is around. It's at the end of a cul de sac so it's not going to get run over. I've given it food and water and I've no doubt I'll be checking it every day!

A few weeks ago I found this puppy under the skip that's by an old quarry. The scrap men who hang around there saw it tied to a tree on the hill behind the skip. They brought it down and gave it food and water. Its ears were so full of ticks you wouldn't have been able to fit another one on. I took it to my local vet and by an incredible coincidence they'd had a man in that morning to have the second one of his dogs put down in as many weeks. He was desperate for a puppy so he took him.20160527_091550.jpg
Ahhh. Good to here the pooch got a good home.
Poor kitten, unusual for it to be out on its own unless it's come from a stray. Keep an eye on him!

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