Where to get Business cards

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It's a swine when the shops ends up in bed with the other tilers but also good when you're the one with the business so swings and roundabouts.
Yes I hand out their voucher to all my customers, they got a three grand order from one of them last week but most of the tilers have had the same cards in shop for years and never needed topped up and certain others having to top up every month! One way street I think? There are only 3 kinda main suppliers up here so what do you do!

The vouchers don't count. They only profit CTD. Out of that 3 grand order the bloke behind the counter got £0!!
Now for example my local CTD know if they give me a 3 grand fitting job there'd be a couple of hundred quid in it for them. Straight in their pocket, thanks very much. Trust me you will get your details pushed A LOT harder once they know that!
The reality is you can add it on the job anyway cos you know they are pushing you as the ultimate tiler and the only one locally to trust.
It's naughty but that's the way of the world I'm afraid
The vouchers don't count. They only profit CTD. Out of that 3 grand order the bloke behind the counter got £0!!
Now for example my local CTD know if they give me a 3 grand fitting job there'd be a couple of hundred quid in it for them. Straight in their pocket, thanks very much. Trust me you will get your details pushed A LOT harder once they know that!
The reality is you can add it on the job anyway cos you know they are pushing you as the ultimate tiler and the only one locally to trust.
It's naughty but that's the way of the world I'm afraid
At least you are honest 🙂
Yes I hand out their voucher to all my customers, they got a three grand order from one of them last week but most of the tilers have had the same cards in shop for years and never needed topped up and certain others having to top up every month! One way street I think? There are only 3 kinda main suppliers up here so what do you do!
Speak to the store manager about it and him why others get pushed over yours . If it doesn't change tell him you're still not happy and will take it up with the area manager ( they hate having to deal with people bothering them ) . You apparently have nothing to lose if they aren't giving out your card .
Speak to the store manager about it and him why others get pushed over yours . If it doesn't change tell him you're still not happy and will take it up with the area manager ( they hate having to deal with people bothering them ) . You apparently have nothing to lose if they aren't giving out your card .
I've got the topps area manager number for my area . He gave the store and almighty male genitala for it . Funny thing is I got his number from head office who are denying this happened .


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