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Old Mod

Wow! 45mins to get to work!
Can't normally do that at 6.30 in the morning!
I'm not saying this job is close to town centre but here's the view from outside their front door!

Winter wonderland Hyde Park by Marble Arch!
Not very good image sorry.
So it's couple hours work and in to Oxford street to find the wife a gift, shouldn't be too difficult I suspect! :D

Tile Shop

Quitening down for christmas, most customers who call in are in the festive spirit and you can have a bit of a laugh.....

So answering the phone this morning with a song and some festive words. Been doing it from this script for the last 18 years, "NEVER HAD A PROBLEM" (we've all heard that one before haven't we) Customers love it. Makes them chuckle and sets them up for the day...... backfired on this one bloke!

"Jingle bells, Jingle bells, Jingle all the way..... Thank you for calling ##### ### ######, you're though to Paul and I will be you friendly advisor for the duration of this call, and may I take this opportunity to wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous new year. How can I help?"

"Your stupid bastard courier has dropped my crate off the back of his tail-lift and proper f###ed the tiles up. Its all gone to s##t. Can't salvage anything from it!!! Need these tiles today or I'm f###ed"

Not quite the reaction I was expecting. Full crate of Polished Cappucino Marble. naught to rubble in the blink of an eye. Luckily he's only up the road so already got a new crate on the way too him, which he's happy about. and he ended up chuckling about it in the end. But think I might need to tone it down a bit for the next one..... just in case the next one is also feeling a bit humbug :)

Andy Allen

What was the result of penny's biop?
Not good .....she has a chronic liver disease, which will shorten her life.
The Vet can't say by how long, she could be fine for the next 5 years or she could go down hill again in a couple of months.
She will get flare ups and if they become to regular then we may have to let her go, I can't bare seeing her in pain like that, it absolutely kills me and it isnt fair on her.
But for the time being she's fine and we're going to love her, and spoil her to bits for however long we got left together.

Tile Shop

Not good .....she has a chronic liver disease, which will shorten her life.
The Vet can't say by how long, she could be fine for the next 5 years or she could go down hill again in a couple of months.
She will get flare ups and if they become to regular then we may have to let her go, I can't bare seeing her in pain like that, it absolutely kills me and it isnt fair on her.
But for the time being she's fine and we're going to love her, and spoil her to bits for however long we got left together.

Not the nicest news to get just before christmas. But fingers crossed, she'll be ok and you'll be able to spoil her rotten for the next 5 years and beyond.

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