Old Mod
a little tip about split fingers, or grouters finger as we know it. Put micro pore tape around the split. It takes the pain away and helps the healing.
Yeah that's what I use when I bind them,
Only use 3M tho cos it's the only one supple enough to bend without creasing! 🙂
I've tried just about everything, including Germoline New Skin, which is like a weak super glue.
The only things I haven't tried is actuall super glue and a trip to the Canaries! 😀
O'keeffs hand cream, gloves in a bottle etc
Currently using Derma Shield at about £40 a tin! 😱
Cheap if it works tho!
Oh alongside Aloe Vera Gelly (American spelling)
All the way from Scotsdale Arizona! Haha
Appreciate you taking the time Pete (Pete's right isn't it?) 😕