Work experience

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hi mate iam kinda in the same boat as you,where in glasgow are you?just thought if get any work and short of any tools you could maybe borrow some of mine to you establish yourself,bit of a tool junkie iam afraid :mad2:
Thanks for all the replys guys my computer hasnt been working right so this has been my first chance to get on and reply.. Am from clydebank...
hi rissyboi,
well done on not jumping in feet first, i did a 6 month course at gcbp 7 yrs ago, and when i finished it i did a couple of what i thought were small jobs, but ended up pulling my hair out over them because i didn't have the experience.
i ended up gett ing a job with a building company where i worked for nearly a year with other tradesmen and gained some valuable knowledge.
good luck with it and if i can give you any shifts i'll let you know
Hey thanks again guys for all the replys am just trying to get some experience before i hit the big bad world myself lol.. spoke to a tiler today who said he wouldnt mind taking me on but wouldnt be able to pay me.. but ah well am there for the experience for now it will tuen out all good in the end... Hopefully.. plus when i gain a little experience ive got a few jobs lined up : P ...
What age are you? If you can afford to do a few free days it'd do no harm, he might even bung you a few (20) quid at the end of the week if you're a good help.
Am 24 and just finished my fast track course end of november but just to some family stuff didnt get started right away so now am just looking to team up for a few weeks.. yeh am sure if hes a decnet enough guy he'll pass something by my way at the end of the week! he only stays 2 streets down from me so thats handy lol.


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