Discuss Would the real Mr Tiler stand up! in the Canada Tile Advice area at TilersForums.com.



Well I got completely slaged off by the do good brigade for giving a sarcastic answer to a ridicules question. I also had my posts edited for bad language when I said I have shxx em but here we are talking shix about cheese and fcukbook in the open forum and not a thing is said. This forum is a joke at the moment and it is not that funny.

I noticed those posts.

Modding is modding , where are the rest of them , ? .. Left the ship ?


I see a sense of humour has been lost tonight. You're right Deano this forum has become hard work over the last few weeks, and I for one have stopped enjoying it as much as I used to, the main reason being that I/we (moderators) have been having to continually edit and report bad language in the open forums from long standing members. I can assure you I don't do the moderating as some sort of power trip, it's quite simply just to give something back for the work and knowledge I've gained from this forum. This isn't directed solely at you by the way, it's just a general point I'm making.


Getting back to Mr Tiler, i have read his last post about sell by dates on tiles.

Read through his grammar & spelling, he has got very good at typing all of a sudden, i dont know if we are getting taken for a ride or he is a genuine guy, he has enthusiasm, i will give him that.

Whats getting to me is his replies to some posts on here giving out advice & i think thats whats bugging a lot of the members.

I wouldnt go on the "Airplane Forum" & tell a pilot how to land a Jumbo. :sofahide:


Getting back to Mr Tiler, i have read his last post about sell by dates on tiles.

Read through his grammar & spelling, he has got very good at typing all of a sudden, i dont know if we are getting taken for a ride or he is a genuine guy, he has enthusiasm, i will give him that.

Whats getting to me is his replies to some posts on here giving out advice & i think thats whats bugging a lot of the members.

I wouldnt go on the "Airplane Forum" & tell a pilot how to land a Jumbo. :sofahide:

I agree , if you are here to learn from scratch , which is what this guy is , then stop giving advice about what he has no clue about... or do we spend time trawling his posts and constantly correcting him... Me i have better things to do :lol:

Bri.... You and Neale are good mods , just a shame such a full team does not help out more.. i know more than any that it is a tedious task to trawl every thread/post and edit out foul language...

I have added to some risky words to see if a mod picks up and 99% zilch removed... there is more to modding than posting to internet pals.. :)..

Anyway back to Mr Tiler :)..


I'll go off topic for one last post. Dave you probably don't realise this but, I actually find it quite awkward and almost disrespectful to you , editing your posts, given your history on the the forum and the fact that you have played a massive part in its success. Also the support you have given me since I became a mod, editing your posts is like giving my Dad a bollocking that's why I don't do it and if I do see any that need editing I have asked that you do it yourself.

Reply to Would the real Mr Tiler stand up! in the Canada Tile Advice area at TilersForums.com

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