Received a call today from Yellow pages,they said I could have a 1.5cm x6cm box add ,bout the size of a juicy fruit chewing gum,for £106 or interest free at £10.60 a month.
It comes out in April, and I dont start paying till May.
At first when he rang I told him to save his breath,not interested yet,but when he explained the price,I was quite surprised.
I asked him 'whats the catch' he said there isnt one,its that simple.
Im thinking of going for it as it aint gonna break the bank,and could soon pay for itself.What 'd'ya rekon Guys and Gals.
Received a call today from Yellow pages,they said I could have a 1.5cm x6cm box add ,bout the size of a juicy fruit chewing gum,for £106 or interest free at £10.60 a month.
It comes out in April, and I dont start paying till May.
At first when he rang I told him to save his breath,not interested yet,but when he explained the price,I was quite surprised.
I asked him 'whats the catch' he said there isnt one,its that simple.
Im thinking of going for it as it aint gonna break the bank,and could soon pay for itself.What 'd'ya rekon Guys and Gals.