fitting modular patterns

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When fitting a 4 size opus modular, do you find you have to shave some of the tiles to make them all fit with even grout lines, done a few with some real expensive stone and they were already pre-cut, but general ready available sets from places like Topps i find need to be cut down... they all fit together when pushed together but as soon as you open up for the grout lines they start to run out....
No you shouldnt need to do that. I have been working all weeek on a tumbled chisel edge trav floor and they fit together fine :thumbsup:
No you shouldnt need to do that. I have been working all weeek on a tumbled chisel edge trav floor and they fit together fine :thumbsup:

Conversely, we laid one the other week, 4 sizes of tile in a twelve set, some of the smaller tiles were very sizey, had to free hand it here and there, finished job looked well, I'll post a pic................

EDit here's a couple, sorry about the quality, iphone jobby


  • trav1.jpg
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  • trav2.jpg
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Yes.. Sometimes you have to trim the small ones.... just depends on the calibration and manufacturer of the stone.
Just finished the topps tiles opus slate.................and yes, I also had to trim most of the smaller square tiles :thumbsdown:
Just finished the topps tiles opus slate.................and yes, I also had to trim most of the smaller square tiles :thumbsdown:
yes I have done a few jobs in the optus slate from topps and on all the jobs the smaller ones needed trimming :thumbsdown:
Conversely, we laid one the other week, 4 sizes of tile in a twelve set, some of the smaller tiles were very sizey, had to free hand it here and there, finished job looked well, I'll post a pic................

EDit here's a couple, sorry about the quality, iphone jobby

Alan we done one the other week was that 4 sizes had to have a 4mm grout joint to fit bigest joint i have seen for years lol 26 tile pat ?

I have also had many examples of travertine tumbled edge tiles cut for the opus 4 element design where you have to use 5mm spacers for the larger tiles and 2 or 3mm spacers to go round the smaller tiles to keep the pattern repeat to a size where all the gaps are even around the larger tiles, while keeping the full tumbled edge.

Alan we done one the other week was that 4 sizes had to have a 4mm grout joint to fit bigest joint i have seen for years lol 26 tile pat ?

Yeah mate, that was 'fun' a nice job in the end after a bit of head scratching as well, it was 4mm, I was thinking it was 5mm 😳
I am really amazed that so many people have this issue. My 1st job after the new year was an opus romano pattern. When the tiles were laid out on the floor, the larger rectanguler tile was 10mm too small. This would have given 3mm joint on all the rest and 13mm on the large tile....totally unacceptable. They were sent back and at a later date new tiles arrived which were perfect. Even if it were just the smaller tile that needed trimming down , i cant see why you should have to. The tiles were bought as a set and so should work as the set.
As for some people accepting different joint sizes to overcome the issue i am doubly amazed....i am sure my clients would not accept that at all.

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