Pin hammmer twirler???...I want to learn this!!!
Pin hammmer twirler???...I want to learn this!!!
hi Phil, Billy Duggan is the one yes Lostock Tilecraft one nasty man a very good tiler indeed but a b.....ard to work for led me a dogs life he did,i dont remember any of the other names though
yea Phil thats him and no he died many years ago now he had two sons billy and michael ,michael died on a night out in bolton one night i think he was only about twenty two ,when bill y senior died young bill carried on with the buisness but i dont know whether they are still going or not ,like i say bill was a nasty man ,iworked for him on and off for a good few years,a slave driver he was and did me out of a lot of money i started with him when i left school at fifteen he told every body i was the best apprentice he had ever had ,but never told me that ,taught me a lot though i must give him that ,be he would work eight days a week until all hours and expected everybody to do the same i walked a few times but he used to come round to my house,sometimes with the binbags on and talk me into going back, and like an idiot i thought he would change ,but no just the same i cant raaly say i was sorry when he passed away he treated people that bad ,even his brother and his own mother,but thats a long time ago now