I am a DIY'er looking for a bit of advice. I am fitting a bath tap/shower mixer in a room that has not previously had a shower. There is existing tiling in the bathroom from floor to dado height including approximately 2ft above the bath and there is a Silicon sealant join. I am obviously going to have to tile above this level for the shower but my first question is whether this old tiling, having never been intended for use in a shower area, is likely to be OK in its current form. I think I have three options:
1. Leave current tiling over bath and just tile above that.
2. Attempt to improve(?!) current tiling (Fila fugaproof?) and tile above.
3. Remove current tiling above bath and re-tile bath to ceiling.
The existing tiling is dark green which I would not be able to (or want to) match so I will use a plain white or cream tile. Not only would leaving the existing tiling in place be less work but I think it would also look better. So....
Are old tiles and whatever adhesive and grout was used likely to be suitable for use in a shower area?
If this is unlikely is there any point in using a grout sealer or is this just a bodge?
The walls are painted plasterboard. If I first sand down what would you recommend for primer, adhesive and grout (I will be using cheapish ceramic tiles)?
If I have to go to the trouble of replacing the old tiles would you recommend tanking?
What is the best way to join tiles to bath?
Massive thanks in advance to anyone who can help. I have tiled a bathroom in a previous house and quite enjoyed it but have to admit I did not think of these questions back then and would like to make sure I am doing things right this time around 🙂.
I am a DIY'er looking for a bit of advice. I am fitting a bath tap/shower mixer in a room that has not previously had a shower. There is existing tiling in the bathroom from floor to dado height including approximately 2ft above the bath and there is a Silicon sealant join. I am obviously going to have to tile above this level for the shower but my first question is whether this old tiling, having never been intended for use in a shower area, is likely to be OK in its current form. I think I have three options:
1. Leave current tiling over bath and just tile above that.
2. Attempt to improve(?!) current tiling (Fila fugaproof?) and tile above.
3. Remove current tiling above bath and re-tile bath to ceiling.
The existing tiling is dark green which I would not be able to (or want to) match so I will use a plain white or cream tile. Not only would leaving the existing tiling in place be less work but I think it would also look better. So....
Are old tiles and whatever adhesive and grout was used likely to be suitable for use in a shower area?
If this is unlikely is there any point in using a grout sealer or is this just a bodge?
The walls are painted plasterboard. If I first sand down what would you recommend for primer, adhesive and grout (I will be using cheapish ceramic tiles)?
If I have to go to the trouble of replacing the old tiles would you recommend tanking?
What is the best way to join tiles to bath?
Massive thanks in advance to anyone who can help. I have tiled a bathroom in a previous house and quite enjoyed it but have to admit I did not think of these questions back then and would like to make sure I am doing things right this time around 🙂.