smokie899 TF Esteemed Arms Sep 18, 2017 #11 The best ones alwayssssss start with, but the plumber/joiner/builder/electrician/man in b&q says.
T Tommythetiler80 Sep 18, 2017 #14 impish said: I was once asked if decaff was ok. 😵😵😵😡 Click to expand... Absolutely not! What's the point 😱
impish said: I was once asked if decaff was ok. 😵😵😵😡 Click to expand... Absolutely not! What's the point 😱
tommyzooom TF Arms Sep 19, 2017 #16 I was once asked if tiles made in Poland would be any good? Suspicious I asked him to read out his quotation, and were the tiles shiny? You guessed it "Polish(ed) porcelain
I was once asked if tiles made in Poland would be any good? Suspicious I asked him to read out his quotation, and were the tiles shiny? You guessed it "Polish(ed) porcelain
L LJD Sep 20, 2017 #18 Client "we are planning on getting the tiles from England lane , London" you just know its going to be hard work :-(
Client "we are planning on getting the tiles from England lane , London" you just know its going to be hard work :-(
O On one Sep 20, 2017 #19 timeless john said: 8am - Day 1. When will you be finished? I laugh every time! Click to expand... That has happened that many times, it is just not funny any more.
timeless john said: 8am - Day 1. When will you be finished? I laugh every time! Click to expand... That has happened that many times, it is just not funny any more.