Recent content by Ttt1601

  1. Ttt1601

    Photos of your work! - Professional Wall and Floor Tiling Pictures (2018 Private Arms Thread)

    An architect and his bright ideas as usual, lol. For some reason they are having a wetdeck but with a curved shower screen like you have on a tray, so had to cut the curve to sit under the screen and o ly form the envelope inside that line to make it work properly
  2. Ttt1601

    Photos of your work! - Professional Wall and Floor Tiling Pictures (2018 Private Arms Thread)

    A couple of wetrooms I've been working on recently, only the one full tile in each lolu
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  11. Ttt1601

    is tiling the most difficult of all the trades

    It depends on what aspect of tiling you do most, but some are harder than most other trades, plastering is hard on the body, especially ceilings, but it's a skill that is only repatition to get a decent finish, small ceramic tiles aren't to hard on the body and relativly low skilled most of the...
  12. Ttt1601

    Tiling Rates Per Square Meter - How much does tiling cost?

    I price every job on its own merits, big areas and commercial dictate a lower price small areas with loads of cuts are more, flat M2 rate I rarely work off, but I always work of price never day rate, I make sure I price it according to the work involved, obviously specialist skills, mitres/...
  13. Ttt1601

    Floor tiles lifted on calcium based self level floor

    Just because it's been professionally sanded, doesn't mean it's been done properly, most of the Anny screeds I go to, they say, the company came back sanded it so it is fine to tile, when in fact it's not, sand them too early and more latence will settle, and the guys screeding don't care about...
  14. Ttt1601

    Nicobond Sponsor :)

    Welcome @Nicobond glad your here, need to speak to you about d Matt lol

