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  1. T

    Anhydrite screed........

    Andy, I see youre just around the corner from me and I'm in in the sanding business as well. If you pm me, I am happy to give you some advice about what setup you will need and what actually works or I'll even come and do it for you and you can give it a go yourself so you can see what you need...
  2. T

    Laitence removal, sanding

    Message me and I can reply with a quote
  3. T

    Laitence removal, sanding

    That will work but you might want to consider dust extraction and ask them to supply diamond cups for that STR because sanding pads wont be sufficient (in my opinion) 180sm should be 2 days work (ish) good luck
  4. T

    Laitence removal, sanding

    Where you based mate, this is something we do a lot of so if you want a quote, please get in touch Thanks Mike
  5. T

    4 Year Old Gyvlon (anhydrite) preparation advice

    I am based in Oxfordshire and see you are in Berkshire, I am happy to come and take a look and give you a quote for the sanding if you like PM me if interested Many thanks Mike
  6. T

    4 Year Old Gyvlon (anhydrite) preparation advice

    Why the need for such an arrogant response? I know you are a very well respected member from the screed industry and I wasn't trying to pick a fight! I was saying that this was my personal method of laitance removal from liquid screeds. I have invested a lot of money in sanding equipment...
  7. T

    4 Year Old Gyvlon (anhydrite) preparation advice

    If you removed 1mm of laitance, you would be down to aggregate There is a lot of conflicting advice as to how much laitance to remove but personally I take off enough to expose the aggregate then prime with a good quality primer sticking a anti crack mat down with a gypsum based adhesive then...
  8. T

    Advise to decouple or not

    I would definitely
  9. T

    Anhydrite prep set up

    60 grit sanding pads wont be enough for sanding off laitance Copper disc or diamond cups will do it but you may need some dust extraction depending on how dry the screed is This is something I have been doing a lot more of and have invested in some good gear and have opened up another business...
  10. T

    Anhydrite Screed - Builder Nightmare - Which Hygrometer

    Make sure you get it sanded first!
  11. T

    Anhydrite laitence removal tools for sale

    Hi Everyone This is something I have been doing a lot more of so I've upgraded all my gear so if anyone needs a screed sanded/diamond grinding please pm me for prices Thanks
  12. T

    Underfloor heating/issue with builder

    I suppose as installers we don't get to see how well the joins have been crimped in the factory. The 2 joins on the mat have shrinkwrap on them and are a form of insulation anyway so what I struggle to understand is how masking tape can be enough of an insulation to stop the excessive heat...
  13. T

    Underfloor heating/issue with builder

    Hi All Just an update to this situation- I reluctantly decided to pay this, although I still find it hard to believe that masking tape stuck over a join can cause enough heat to burn it out! however the instructions say not to cover the joins so I accept this is an installation error. I also...
  14. T

    Underfloor heating/issue with builder

    I honestly believe that by putting some masking tape over a join, it would cause it to burn out. Sorry this is wrong and should have read: I honestly believe that masking tape would not cause this to burn out Mike
  15. T

    Underfloor heating/issue with builder

    Don't know why you now assume that I was contacted before the repair had taken place and trying to get out of it, the first I knew of this situation was the email from the builder asking for me to pay the repair guys. He went ahead and got the repair done without me knowing about it. I am still...
  16. T

    Underfloor heating/issue with builder

    They put a high voltage through the mat and used thermal imaging to detect the fault so I assume the original failure didn't look as bad as it did but by sending a high voltage through the mat it explodes at the weakest point and in this case was my taped over end join. Is this right ?
  17. T

    Underfloor heating/issue with builder

    Also does anyone know what this means- it was one of the notes on the bottom of the report Resistance reading less than 999Mohms of heating element to braid (or earth) indicates heating element insulation damage. Heating cable in working order although low resistance reading may deteriorate...
  18. T

    Underfloor heating/issue with builder

    Not a lot
  19. T

    Underfloor heating/issue with builder

    Hi Sean Kelly Pretty much spot on although if I was notified in the first instance, I would of gone in with my sparky( have done 2 of these in the past and have been compensated as it was a manufacturing fault ) and if it definitely was below tiles. started with taking up the tile with the cold...
  20. T

    Underfloor heating/issue with builder

    Thank you for all your input I will keep you updated Mike


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