ardex adhesive

  1. S

    Ardex X77W road test.

    This is possibly the best addy I have ever used. Never used Ardex before being basically a Bal man closely followed by Mapei and Nicobond. Got given a couple of bags of X77W after using it at a demo day. Used them this week. The main feature is this stuff has double the normal slump resistance...
  2. J

    Ardex K15

    Hi there has anyone used the ardex K15 self levelling compound on a screeded under floor heated floor?? any good? flexible? Also is the Ardex X7R any good for under floor heating laying porcelain tiles? Is there anywhere which sells ardex cheaper than £45 a bag???
  3. R

    Ardex WPC, Bal Waterproof Shower Kit or Dunlop waterproof tanking kit

    Hi I am about to use one of these kits to waterproof a new shower area, I have never done this before, which one should I use and which one is the most user friendly? Also where can I go and buy them I need it today ideally? Any help would be much appreciated Thanks :smilewinkgrin:
  4. T

    Ardex AM100

    Hi Does anyone know where to get hold of Ardex AM100 fast track render in the Leeds area. Even a if anyone knows if I can get hold of some online would be great. Thanks Tib
  5. F

    Review-Ardex X 78 S

    I would like to tell you of my first experience of this product, Ardex X 78 S. My local tile shop is an Ardex centre, and they were given several loads of this adhesive to give to tilers and see what they thought. It comes in Ardex's usuak 20KG packing. It explains it has 4 times the initial...
  6. F

    Ardex 32 colour grouts

    At last, the firm I love have finally brought out flexi & rapid setting grout in 32 colours.....................:hurray: Tiling and Flooring products from ARDEX UK
  7. C

    New Ardex grout colours

    Finally, Ardex have made the colours that the USA have had for a while,available in the UK. There are 32 colours, mostly in grey and beige tones in the FL and FS options. You can request a colour card from their website, and they are doing a proper box of samples - in fact not the mortar but a...
  8. B

    Ardex d30 ready mixed wall tile adhesive.

    have any of you used this product?It is a ready mixed wall tile adhesive and is suitable for virtually all substrates and tile types...including PORCELAIN. i HAVE BEEN TO A TRADE DEMO AND THIS WAS USED ABOUT A YEAR AGO AND WAS WONDERING IF ANY OF YOU HAD USED IT AND YOUR VERDICT ON IT. i I...
  9. G

    ply or ardex 7001?

    with en suites & small bathrooms with 18mm thick floor boards sheets and an area of not more than 3 sqm is it easier to just use ardex 7001 rather than use backer boards. Providing the floor is rigid with no deflection. im tiling a couple of small floors if I use no more ply it will cost the...
  10. T

    Cyril Potter, Chief Chemist at Ardex UK

    Sub-floor preparation for ceramic floor tiling Cyril Potter, Chief Chemist at Ardex UK looks in detail at sub-floor preparation for ceramic floor tiling. Any preparation work carried out on sub-floors is intended to provide a surface that is clean, dimensionally stable, rigid and...
  11. S

    ardex microtec

    have any one tried the new ardex microtec adhesive yet ?is it similar to the pci nanolight ?
  12. Dan

    ARDEX MICROTEC fibre reinforced technology

    Anybody had a play with these yet? Link removed
  13. G

    New ardex Adhesives

    Had a flyer through the post yesterday from Ardex giving details of 3 new adhesives just introduced. They all give extended "open Time" of 60 mins and fast setting, 90 min to grout and traffic. They also have double" the slump resistance. Don't know prices yet but they look interesting...
  14. W

    ardex 7001

    just used this again today. absolutley ace gear to use and brilliant coverage with 10mm square notch trowel. just a shame it cost me £35 a bag from ctd
  15. E

    Ardex D20

    I have been given two tubs of Ardex D20, it says it doesnt need any primer, i like to prime everything, have you guys used it and would you use it without priming?
  16. J

    trouble withardex 6001 with underfloor heating

    has anyone had trouble with porcelain tiles coming up when stuck with ardex 6001 tile adv. when used over underfloor heating?
  17. Q

    Ardex C2

    I,ve been given a free bag of ardex c2 grout and want to use it but would prefer to use flexi additive with it like the bal gt1, what is the additive for this grout and who stocks it in the north east. Thanks Steve
  18. G

    ardex products

    can you use ardex slc on wooden floors,or is it jst for concrete floors,if its the latter what do you use for leveling wooden floors?
  19. S

    BAL = Ardex?

    I was doing some research on different adhesive brands, and I noticed BAL is part of the Ardex Worldwide. Are their products the same and just rebranded (like Rubi and Felker dry cutters), or are they separate? And oh, I don't use either, I'm just curious.
  20. R

    using ardex 7001

    im trying ardex 7001 for the 1st time , any advice ? its a bathroom floor , ive boarded it out with ply , should i use a primer ? its ceramic tiles , i usually use bal acrylic primer apd but thats for plasterboard and cement . the ardex bag recommends ardex p51 primer but my supplier doesnt...



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