ardex adhesive

  1. O

    Any Ardex grout users here

    Hi All I've got a customer who has chosen a grout from the Ardex range, As I'm not familiar with Ardex what is a good price for 10kg bags of Flex FL grout? Cheers.
  2. X


    hi all, i need help. does anyone happen to have an old bag of ardexflex 5000 white or ardex flex 7001 w. i appreciate that both of these adhesives were phased out or rebranded by ardex some time ago, but I must have the old product, not any new rebranded product ( ardex X7001 is no good to me)...
  3. O

    Ardex x77

    Any one else replied to an ad in the July/Aug edition of the TSJ for a free bag of Ardex X77 that is no longer available?
  4. bobbynz

    Ardex products: the good, the bad and the ugly.

    Hi guys, haven't been around much lately, been busy with new job at tile warehouse nz. Yesterday we had a rep from Ardex come in and started talking to us about their products. The manager and I looked at each other, both without a clue about what he was on about. It turns out that Ardex had...
  5. B

    Ardex Tanking kits.

    Anyone got any views on the Ardex tanking kits,using one this week for the first time,reading through it looks to be a 2 part mix and 2nd coat after 30 mins,is this correct? Is the scrim tape stuck down with the solution or is it double sided,and last one does it need priming prior to...
  6. O

    Ardex/Weber grouts

    Hi All A customer of mine is having trouble choosing a suitably coloured flexible grout for their large natural stone conservatory floor with wet ufh.Do Weber or Ardex do a suitable grout that is not too abrasive ie not too sandy?
  7. T

    ardex grout

    used this for the first time today , heard a lot about it ,people saying its good ,found it good ,fast setting easy to clean up all ways nice good stuff :thumbsup:
  8. Andy Allen

    ardex screed..

    looked at a 50m2 floor today, the screeds going down this week, its a fast setting ardex screed, builder says you can tile on it after a couple of days, anyone seen these screeds before?....or is the builder telling porkys..
  9. M

    Bal & Ardex Merger

    Heard Bal and Ardex have merged (hopefully this ain't old news I didn't ask a date). Wonder how/if this will effect products in anyway. I know Ardex have merged into Bal so does this mean Bal quality on Ardex ranges or maybe even no changes.
  10. D

    Ardex Christmas Present

    I received my pressie from Ardex today........ I love chocolate coins almost as much as real coins :lol: :lol: :lol: Daz
  11. B

    Ardex primer ?

    Hi guys posted a while back about tiling my nephews bathroom after putting plasterboard up, anyway i've put the board up (normal board) and it is now ready for tiling, i have bought some sbr but a builder in local said i mustn't use sbr as a primer for tiling onto ? Instead buy a proper primer...
  12. C

    ardex wpc waterpoofing

    hi guys, anyone used the ardex wpc water protection system? on the side of the box it reads "ready to tile after 2 hours" but on the leaflet inside it says to aply the second coat after 30 minutes and you can tile 60 minutes after that, thats less than 2 hours for both coats! i dont want to be...
  13. G

    Ardex Hybrid Grout

    Has anyone used it & whats your thoughts please.
  14. M

    Ardex adhesive

    Hi all fellow tilers,anybody had problems with ardex adhesive?Did a 120m porcelain floor with underfloor heating and now a few tiles are popping up,ardex rep took sample of adhesive to be tested ,the result said that I had put to much water in my mix,been tiling 22yr and never had this problem...
  15. R

    Ardex ardion 90 and bal polymer

    I have just acquired a workshop and in the storeroom, there are several tubs of Bal Fastflex Polymer, Ardion 90 and some bags of Arduit cement stuff!? Is this of any use to anyone? I can deliver locally no problem or elsewhere by arrangement. Call me on 07976 739 696 if interested. Thanks. Rod
  16. B


    Got a call from Ardex this morning asking if i wished to receive information on all tiling products,they must be feeling the pinch i think,what do you think?
  17. V

    ARDEX X32 - Professionals' oppinion needed

    Have you guys tried the new ARDEX X32 Natural Stone Adhesive yet? If yes, then how do you find it? Datasheet says tiles can be grouted after 3 hours even at maximum (30mm) bed thickness...
  18. U

    Could anyone please help on ARDEX-FLEX FS drying time?

    Maybe Saturday night's not the best time to ask but would anyone be able to advise on the time ARDEX-FLEX FS needs to dry before sealing? The bag doesn't say other than that it's walkable after 5 hours. But I don't want to walk on it - I want to put the new sink in the worktop and start on a...
  19. D

    i have been to the ardex demo day???

    well it was a fantastic day at a golf club in Bristol. They showed and demo'd their ranges of addys, coloured grouts, fast track renders/ screeds, epoxies, self levellers, tanking systems. They supplied coffee, great dinner/pudd and yes beer!!! Result! Plus at the end freebees. There was...
  20. A


    all ive ever used is ardex d20 wall adhesive, because it was recommended when i started out, i pay £18 a tub, is there a better adhevise for less or the same price.



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