
  1. Cranbrook

    Christmas tool wishlist

    What's on everyone's till Christmas list to Santa? As I know Santa is worrying about the impact of Brexit I'm not going to ask for my number one choice of the Bosch green laser, so instead I'm opting for a 40cm stabila electronic level.. but I'm sure Santa won't mind a few other smaller helpful...
  2. M

    Wishing you a festive Christmas

    Just wanted to pop in to wish everyone a merry Christmas and hope you have a great new year. Enjoy the holidays and all the best for 2018. Marvo (Andy)
  3. Andy Allen

    Christmas break.............. .

    How long are you having off over Christmas...?
  4. R

    Christmas Present Time

    It's December and it's that time we begin to buy presents for our nearest and dearest. It's always a very sad time for me. We were poor. One Christmas my mum gave me an empty shoe box. She said it was the Action Man Deserter. Next!
  5. Q

    Share your Christmas tree/ decoration pics

    It's that time of year again! Here is my real Nordsman Fir decorated by my daughters using mainly ornaments they have made themselves every year since they were toddlers..... So come your Christmas trees here!
  6. Dan

    359 days till Christmas!!!

    Oh yeah. I did it. Lol
  7. Andy Allen

    What did father Christmas bring you?

    Come on then.....let's see what you all got...
  8. U

    Happy Christmas from the team at Uheat underfloor heating

    Happy Christmas from the team at Uheat underfloor heating!
  9. T

    Merry Christmas

    In case you haven't received my card - MERRY CHRISTMAS - To all the members of this Tiling Forum new and old. I hope you all have a good festive period and a happy New Year. John, Cynth and family Timeless
  10. Andy Allen

    Christmas break

    When you breaking up for christmas . And how long you having off ?
  11. T

    Christmas Booze promotion

    Tileflair are running their annual BAL Booze promotion again this year. With each purchase of qualifying BAL product, you earn stickers. A completed card earns you either free wine, beer or lager with no limit on how many completed cards you can submit. Pop into a Tileflair store to pick up...
  12. Dan

    Update: MERRY CHRISTMAS (Getting in there early!!)

    Well, I've seen Xmas TV Adverts, Xmas songs in shops, Xmas Trees in pubs. So sod it. Merry Christmas guys and girls! I'm bringing the Christmas joy to the forum for you with some snow and sprinkles of joy. :)
  13. O

    Has the C word been mentioned yet?

    No, not that one! Christmas I mean!!
  14. I

    Merry Christmas From Antonio!

    Hello everyone, October 2, 2015, a date I will remember, is the day I joined the forum. like every year, I look at equipment that I bought during the year and see the best purchase of the year ...... But this year the best (purchase) I did not choose! ...... It has been getting to know the...
  15. Dave

    Christmas Slurps!!!

    Bought any nice slurps for xmas.. .? Getting mine tomoz, few cases of fosters gold i think and deffo a ltr of captain morgans spiced rum... Got plenty grey goose :)
  16. O

    Last Minute Christmas Presents Anyone?

    Sign In 25%- 40% off tools
  17. Dave

    The Merry Christmas Thread....

  18. S

    Merry Christmas!

    Hey guys new member just signed up with a keen interest in tiling, hope you all had a great christmas
  19. D

    Happy Christmas to all from 365Drills. Its Christmas day

    Happy Christmas everyone. Its Christmas day and at 365Drills we never close. If you have opened your pressies and santa didnt bring what you wanted then maybe its time to treat yourself... The Ultimate tile drill set only available Factory Direct. HAPPY CHRISTMAS TILERS FORUM
  20. Dan

    Merry Christmas from!

    Merry Christmas from :) Massive thanks from me for being part of the forum. I hope Santa is bringing everything that you've asked for. Here's to an awesome festive season and lots of drinks and laughs. :thumbsup:



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