
  1. T

    Any one up for a Midlands Christmas get together

    I was thinking it may be nice to meet up with some of the midlands members some time before Christmas any one up for that ?????
  2. Dan

    When's everybody breaking up for christmas?

    Not sure if we've done this one yet but I'm trying to work out properly when I'm breaking up and when I'm starting up again. I say that, I mean, when I don't enter the office as much, and then when I do again. lol I'm thinking of breaking up as some point between sort of 19th and 21st. (Thought...
  3. B

    christmas joke

    Tampax have announced that they are replacing the string on tampons with tinsel....but its only for the christmas period..:lol:..............go on laugh,you know you want too.
  4. D

    Christmas lights

    Right who has them -up then ?:thumbsup:
  5. Dan

    TTA launch Christmas Charity Appeal

    The Tile Association has launched its Christmas charity appeal in support of Children Today, with the aim of helping to give Tom the best Christmas present ever. Click here for the full article.. RSS feed from For tiles, tilers, tiling and the tiles industry: The Tile Association.
  6. D

    Christmas countdown - 70 days to go

    So there's the sentence to send quite a few people into panic mode. We've started buying a few presents here and there but not really got any ideas about what to get people, as normal :yikes: But I'm more concerned with Christmas Trees this year. Our fake tree is looking a bit sparse now, as...
  7. Dan

    Happy Christmas

    This is the last edition of Tilezine in 2011. We would like to wish all our readers a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. This is the last edition of Tilezine in 2011. We would like to wish all our readers a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. for more information on this topic. For...
  8. CJ

    Belated Christmas.

    :thumbsup: Just had a Belated Christmas lunch, complete with crackers/silly hats. Son on R&R leave from Afganistan...............Feeling stuffed, all flat out watching rubbish on TV. Great :thumbsup: Just realised I have to go and do a couple of bloomin quotes as well. :yikes:
  9. M

    Merry Christmas!

    Merry Christmas everyone :) have a great day!
  10. R

    Merry christmas

    Hi all. have been a little distant from the site over the past month or so have had so much on... So anyways i just wanted to wish everyone a very happy christmas and i really hope you all have a blinding new year in and out of work!! and as the jack daniels advert says " its not whats under the...
  11. R

    The Nightmare Before Christmas...

    As everybody else I have been very busy for the last few months and Im very happy with the load of work that we have got done. We decided that we would give ourselves a decent amount of time off over Xmas. Tue (yesterday) was going to be our last day so we have been finishing up all our loose...
  12. Y

    Awwww bless, Christmas puppies

    Cuteness overload!
  13. I

    Christmas prezzie

    Last year I'd had enough of my girlfriend buying me rubbish presents so I made it crystal clear I wanted a Makita radio which I got. I've used it nearly everyday and has been a great gift so while I was out doing ny shopping on saturday I wondered into Topps and asked if they had a Rotozip...
  14. S

    Merry christmas

    Just like to say merry christmas and a happy new year
  15. D

    Christmas song thread 2011

    About time TF had some xmas songs going on,:) Seen as Dan won't put the decorations up :)
  16. D

    Ardex Christmas Present

    I received my pressie from Ardex today........ I love chocolate coins almost as much as real coins :lol: :lol: :lol: Daz
  17. H

    Christmas booze

    I'm totally out of beer, so all set for the christmas beer to get in :drool5: I usually pick up some new beer glasses at this time of year too as bud etc put them in packs. Anyone get anything nice in yet? I have a liking for Heineken and Harp but Bud and the German wheat beers come my way...
  18. D

    SNOW! : white Christmas 'foregone conclusion'

    It's coming....:smilewinkgrin: UK snow: white Christmas 'foregone conclusion' as big freeze hits December 25 - Telegraph
  19. S

    Don't utter the word Christmas In November!

    Well as this is such an important topic, lets do it the political way and call it something else.Xmas. As santa is a public servant,will he/she be going on strike over pension rights on the 30 of November? If so (A) Will he/she "Work To Rule".Making Xmas a day late? Or (B)...
  20. S

    Christmas Rush ??

    Has the normal xmas rush started for anyone yet. Appears that it hasn't happened for me yet.:thumbsdown:



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