
  1. E


    I got all chrismasy today working in the Christmas tree plantation...only 204 days to go..:lol:
  2. M

    'dream' christmas job

    went to tile bathroom floor today, 5sq m, easy straightforward job but (dont like when it comes to 'but') the cheap 30x30 tiles from 'topps tile' size vary......from 29.85 to 30.00...:mad2::mad2::mad2::mad2:
  3. E

    Benidorm Christmas special.

    It is on at 9pm...should be good. :thumbsup:
  4. D

    Past midnight.. Merry Christmas you lot.

    :thumbsup::thumbsup: All the best from me...:thumbsup::thumbsup:
  5. D

    past loved ones at christmas.

    Just got in from avin a good drink with some great company this afternoon... Dave from PHG and faithy.. Then i read Gisela's thread about her Dad.. and this brings home a few things,, christmas is really a happy place but also a place that memories of loved ones come flooding back.. So...
  6. D

    BT Infinity. 365Drills are getting it on Christmas Eve...

    Well between 8am and 1pm on Christmas Eve I am getting BT Infinity (Broadband in an instant) They are laying a brand new fibre optic cable down my road for me and connecting it to the house. A crazy thing is the BT phone lines are NOT going to be on the fibre optic so they stay on the...
  7. D

    Have a thought for our lads and lasses in Afghanistan this Christmas..

    best wishes and safe return home to ALL serving out in Afghanistan this Christmas.:thumbsup: Merry Christmas from Tilers What a cracking tune by a soldier.
  8. D

    The Merry Christmas thread.

    Hi TF members. On behalf on Tilers forums and my self i would just like to wish all members a happy Christmas and a very prosperous 2011..
  9. D

    My New Silicon Tool - if you haven't got one you should for Christmas

    I know you old pros probably have these already but this is the best 7 pounds ( ebay ) I have spent on tiling . Bit sad I know but it makes for a very neat finish, here're some pics..
  10. D

    Christmas - your back up plan

    Mr GRR are I have agreed to go to visit his family this Christmas and we've decided to drive down on Christmas morning so we can decide whether to risk the journey on the morning. But even the M-I-L is starting to get worried that the weather may scupper our plans. So how many of you are...
  11. D

    Christmas drinks.

    What drinks are we buying for Christmas period..?:8: Do you buy in bulk or as and when required..?
  12. E

    Christmas Party.

    Got a builder who owes me £3,000...phoned him monday asked if he could send me a cheque..All i have so far is two invites to there works do...Got one in the post Tuesday, and got another today!! No cheque :mad2: Hope he is not going to use my money to fund it..:yikes:
  13. J

    a Christmas story

    A Christmas Story for people having a bad day: When four of Santa's elves got sick, the trainee elves did not produce toys as fast as the regular ones, and Santa began to feel the Pre-Christmas pressure. Then Mrs Claus told Santa her Mother was coming to visit, which stressed Santa even...
  14. Andy Allen

    christmas freebies

    do you get any from the tile shop you use, 2 yrs ago i would get a big tin of chocys, bottle of wine, calender and a diary :thumbsup: however this year it was just a calender and diary seems like everyones having to cut back.
  15. P

    Men...your guide to Christmas and what not to get!

    You know me, I have to warn you all of the consquences should any of you decide to buy your wifes or girlfriends PRACTICAL things this Christmas... We do not like PRACTICAL we like PRETTY :hurray: You have been warned Embedded Player
  16. D

    12 Days of Christmas Funny Video :lol::lol::lol::lol:
  17. Andy Allen

    what to get the wife for christmas

    i struggle with this one every year, what do you get your wife/partner/husband for you play it safe with smellies, jewelry. mate of mine bought his wife a microwave one year.......she wasnt ammused. but theres a thing, men like getting practical presents like tools so...
  18. D

    Christmas lights!!!

    yes in gloucester some places have them -up already!! have you seen any ??:thumbsup:
  19. D

    CHRISTMAS SOON !!! i'm going too

    build one of these then YouTube - Beer Bottle Christmas Tree it will be fun too :thumbsup:
  20. D

    Christmas Tree Rocketry: The Art and Science of Holiday Recycling

    YouTube - Christmas Tree Rocketry: The Art and Science of Holiday Recycling



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