
  1. D

    should christmas be replaced with a midwinter holiday now

    well we are a multicultural country now and not just christian., it not ecological to much power wasted lights/cooking., its a waste of money/to commercialized., should we recognize the fact that we have lots of other religions in our country now and call it midwinter- break whats your thoughts!!!
  2. D

    Christmas Day.... Who's crazy enough to be online AND on this forum... C'mon fess up!

    who is crazy enough to be online xmas day and on here
  3. M

    Merry Christmas From Tile Giant

    Just wanted to wish every one on Tilers Forums a Merry Christmas from Tile Giant. We hope everyone has a fantastic Christmas with their families :thumbsup: I can't believe how quick time has gone. I have been a member here for 8 months and the time has flown by! I have met some great people and...
  4. D

    christmas sweets

    i love them toblerone,turkish delight, choc/brazils,any more?
  5. B

    Christmas eve

    What are your plans for tomorrow? Wife and i usually wrap the kids pressies but we did it last night ,so we are going to have a relaxing xmas eve for a change,watch a movie with a few beverages.
  6. D

    To all the soldiers who have to spend Christmas away from home...

    YouTube - To all the soldiers who have to spend Christmas away from home Please be safe this christmas from all at tilersforums..:thumbsup: and A Soldier's Christmas Letter YouTube - The Soldiers - A Soldier's Christmas Letter
  7. P

    Christmas No1

    I know its not exactly a christmas song,but i'm so glad rage against the machine is No1, i had got so fedup with x factor beingthere year after year, and its a good tune.
  8. D

    Christmas Recipes.

    Thought we could all share a few recipes that we know for Christmas, I know there are a few chefs lurking around on here. Proper stuffing. 2 packs of Sausage meat. Packet of dried chesnuts Half a loaf of breadcrumbs (just stick em in the blender) Fresh Sage Dried apricots 1 or 2 eggs Salt and...
  9. D

    any pics of your christmas tree

    are you proud of your tree!!? well lets see it then!!
  10. D

    favorite christmas film ----

    me and one of my girls just watched THE GRINCH it was funny!!are you looking forward to any favorite or new ones
  11. D

    christmas swimm anyone!!

    two of my girls do the porthcawal crimbo swimm, they must be mad ,but we all go down the beach with about 7000, others to watch then back home for dinner:thumbsup:
  12. D

    The Merry Christmas thread @

    Just to wish ALL members of a very merry christmas and all the best for 2010.....may it bring you good health and plenty of work..:thumbsup:
  13. D

    do you eat anything unusual at christmas ??

    i love the pickled walnuts, spuds baked in goose fat, :thumbsup:
  14. D

    A beer on Christmas day morning

    Who has a beer before 9am on Christmas day? As a rule I don't have anything until the kids are in bed on normal days, but I do make an exception on Christmas day. Its usually a malt whisky that someone has bought me. Be honest, don't make me feel like I might have a problem. :lol:
  15. D

    Merry Christmas Ho Ho Ho!

    To all the good people I have spoken with over the last six months, Have a great Christmas and may next year bring you all happiness and peace.
  16. H

    All out Christmas shopping?

    Suppose most out shopping today,lol. I'm not long in from work,showered and sitting waiting on wife to come back then were off shopping
  17. P

    Christmas number 1 buy here!!

    guys you must of heard the buzz about the possibility of that smug Simon Cowell being piped at the post by Rage Against The Machine. Well here a link where you can buy the great track and be part of history for just 29p Tell the grand kid's I stopped a great dictator in his tracks with...
  18. E

    Christmas meat.

    Wife always gets her meat from here..Local guys, she likes there sausage's :lol:
  19. C

    Christmas Trees

    Just went and got ours and it has to be the sharpest tree I’ve ever bought just trying to put the lights on has nearly hospitalized me. With hand on heart I would have preferred to stick my hands in a box of hypodermic needles, used or not:yikes:. I also seem to be having a reaction to it as...
  20. F

    My NEW fave Christmas song

    Bob Dylan and Christmas don't usually go together but I love this, very Poguesque Must Be Santa



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