
  1. J

    Diagonal cuts - which tile cutter would you recommend.

    Hello, I'm working on the bathroom floor and need advice on choosing a cutter to make diagonal cuts. I have fitted a 1200 x 1200 Marmox showerlay former with offset drain & I need to make the diagonal cuts in my tiles to align with the slopes of the tray. The tiles are 60cm x 30cm - the diagonal...
  2. Dan

    Cuts at Topps

    Topps Tiles is slashing staff bonuses and employee hours to cut costs as it battles against sliding sales. Click here for more information on this article. For other news, checkout Tile News Blog.
  3. C

    marking your cuts

    How do you do it? Use a tape or ruler then mark each end or place the tile next to the cut and mark the tile?
  4. O

    Cuts on orbry tray

    Hi. I have just bought a orbry 30mm wetroom tray. 1200x900. It has a linear drain. I am looking for advice on the cuts as it has a 2degree fall but the sellers reckon I need to make a mitre from each corner to each corner of the drain? I have not decided on 300x300 or 400x400 so any advice...
  5. S

    cuts top or bottom ??

    Hi guys tiling my bathroom at the moment I am left with a 120mm cut ,what's best in this situation
  6. I

    L shaped cuts

    This has come up a couple of times recently so I took a couple of pics when I was doing one today, hope it helps a couple of people. Score the 2 lines on dry cutter, then make a diagonal cut into the corner using a wet cutter or grinder. Then put the tile back into the dry cutter an snap...
  7. Dan

    Public sector cuts severely outweigh private sector recovery for construction

    Construction output figures from the Office for National Statistics for October, showed that construction output has fallen both compared to the previous month and to a year earlier, as the long predicted public sector spending cuts begin to bite. Construction output figures from the Office for...
  8. N

    cuts on floor and walls.

    haven't posted in a while. still been planning things out. (work offshore and planning on doing tiling when I can when Im home.) done a fair few jobs over the years. homers for family and friends, just small jobs apart from one which was a full bathroom and kitchen, walls and floors. I doe a bit...
  9. M


    i went back to a house yesterday to finish siliconing where i done the en-suite last week and i had a count up of tiles on the walls , 230 tiles and only 32 were full tiles :yikes: nearly 200 cut or drilled. it wasn't due to bad planning it was large tiles (500 x 300) and quite a bit of boxing...
  10. U

    Porclain Floor tiles cracking on corner cuts

    I've recently had my kitchen floor tiled with 60x60 polished porclain floor tiles. After two weeks 2 tiles have cracked these are tiles that have been cut round external corners. Is this due to the way the tiles have been cut? the tiles are fixed to a solid concrete floor. Also there seems to...
  11. C

    Standard Wetroom Former Tile Cuts?

    Can anyone please point me in the direction of a standard set of templates to cut tiles to for laying on formers? If such a thing does not exist, maybe we should create one. Rather than having to reinvent the wheel every time, it may be a good idea to build up a library of standard templates...
  12. D

    Tile Cutter Wet,Dry Needed Repitive cuts

    Hello. I'm a DIY're I am tiling two rooms. 1. Kitchen 16sqm with 45cmx45cm Porcellain. (8mm thickness) 2. Hallway 8sqm with 60x30 (material unknown for now) For the Kitchen I will laying a diamond pattern. I intend to cut aproximately an 8cm 45degree line of one corner of each Tile. This...
  13. L

    Off cuts?

    Was just thinking today about the off cuts of tiles when you finish a job. Do you all like me leave them with the customer or do some of you take them away? If you do take them where do get rid of them? Or do any of you charge to take them with you? I just explain to customer that i cant get...
  14. D

    child benefit cuts

    If I heard this right on the news (in passing) it's feasible that if you have a single wage earner in the family and their salary is over £44,000 pr annum child benefit will be stopped. However you could have two wage earners earning £43,999.99 (making a combined total of £87,999.98 and thir...
  15. P

    mitre cuts on dewalt d24000???

    I have been contemplating parting with my hard earned pennies to purchase one of these beasts! I have noticed that the biggest tile cut in half on the 45 is 450mm so this only allows you the biggest piece of tile for an external mitre to be cut with this machine 225mm i think thats right? due...
  16. P

    Tricky cuts

    I have a real problem getting my cuts perfect round door arcitraves, what do you guys use to measure tricky cuts? I've used a profile gauge a couple of times but I never really get on with it.
  17. D


    hi all.. this is prob an easy one but .. doing a floor diagonal shape, the skirting on which is a bit of a nusiance but the main thing is the walls are all over the place .. so my quest is for handy tips on cutting of straight cuts tidy cause of the skirting.. i dont have one of the yolks of...
  18. W

    diamond cuts Im interested to know how you proffesional tilers do these cuts.This method looks so much simpler than the method i was shown. Thanks for your input
  19. S

    When do you do your cuts?

    I recently tiled my utility room (pics to follow, one day). When floor was prepd I did the layed all my whole tiles, then on day 2 went back in and did all my cuts. Not 100% where I read this but is that normal procedure, or possibly just for amatures due to setting time of the addy?
  20. T

    Pricing for mitre cuts

    Hi all, just in middle of pricing job for national museum toilet refurb, 400m2 all in, thing is amongst that is approx 114 linear meters of mitre joints, no trim allowed whatsoever. Would any of the contractors on here price extra for this or would you include in your m2 rate. I know things are...



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