
  1. D

    What do you use to mark your tiles for cuts...

    What do you use to mark your tiles with for cuts you use felt tips....lead pencils...china pencils.....what do you find best..?????? do you use different on mat and glossy tiles...etc etc.....
  2. M

    Problem with cuts around window...

    Hi. I'm tiling around a window in a bathroom with 250 x 200 tiles. Got a tricky situation that i'll try to explain. When setting out the tiles (250mm going vertically) and i put the tiles on the inside of the window sill on the LHS & RHS, the tiles are about 10mm too narrow to actually fit. I...
  3. E

    measuring diamond cuts

    Hows it hangin lads and lassies. Ok, when im laying a diamond pattern, i find it hard to get a good staight line with the cuts around the edges. is there a standard measuring formula for this? the small triangular cuts are the worst. Cheers, Edd:gnorsi:
  4. K

    marking cuts on floor tiles

    When Tiling A Floor I Have Been Using The Method Of 2 Tiles On Top Of A Fixed One ;too Mark My Cuts.i Find This Accurate But It Means That The Edge I Have Cut Is In The Main Field Of This Ok Or Am I Doing Something Wrong.iwould Like Too Have The Machine Cut Edge In Main Field.i Can Do...
  5. T

    Measuring cuts.

    Do any of you ever measure cuts in mm or do you always using the marking techniques. The rubi cutters have a mm scale that you can use to line your tile up to. I have found this very useful for repeat cuts, like when filling in below a batten.



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