
  1. G

    Discontinued tile help - B&Q Palace Travertine Dark Wall Tiles

    Hi, 5 years ago I had my bathroom walls completely tiled with: B&Q Palace Travertine Dark Wall Tiles 485mm X 340mm EAN: 5010921353784 The tiles are actually ceramic and appear discontinued. Any ideas how I can get hold of a couple of packs. Changing the bathroom configuration around and need...
  2. J

    turning to the dark side

    i think im turning to the dark side,two weeks ago ibought my 1st sigma cutter as needed on to cut up to 1mtr tiles . but today ive traded my much loved subaru 2,5ltr legacy for a mitsubishi 1.8 lancer 141 bhp 0_60 in 10.1 secs just because my dog cant get in the boot . am i dooing the right thing?
  3. Z

    Dark Grout with White Metro Tiles

    Firstly, apologies if this has been asked before or I'm posting in the wrong section. My kitchen is being re tiled and we have requested white Metro tiles from Topps and thought a dark grey grout would look good. today the builders have informed me that 'the dark grout will stain the white...
  4. Rosco100

    Dark brown polished 30x30

    Hi we're desperately seeking a supplier of a dark brown polished 30x30 !
  5. kilty55

    strongbow dark fruit

    anyone tried this cider, just got some cans as it sounded nice:thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup: thumbs up from me nice super cold
  6. G

    Strange dark patches appearing

    Hi, I rent a property and the tiled floor in the kitchen has started to get dark patches on the tiles. I have tried washing them and they originally went away but they come back in the same places. They appear to fade if I use a scouring pad but I am worried that I am going to damage the tile...
  7. S

    best dark grey grout

    I am trying to decide which grey grout to use between white subway tiles (spaced at 2mm). I tried a granfix (rebadged as al-murad) "grey" and the test panel that I did was just about dark enough, but the mix I used on the wall (mixed to a just loose double cream consistency as the first time...
  8. R

    Stone tile has absorbed dark grout colour

    I recently installed a shower floor consisting of small square stone mosaic tiles sheets, I used a carbon Mapei ultracolour grout in order that each individual square would stand out, but now after grouting and cleaning the tiles I have noticed that the majority of the tiles are alot darker and...
  9. C

    Dark Grey Porcelain Tiles Cloudy and Dull

    Hi there I wonder if anybody can help me. We had some lovely large porcelain tiles laid in July 2010 in our kitchen. Over the last 12 months they have become more and more marked and are now dull and cloudy - see picture. These tiles were not cheap and the guy that laid them sealed them...
  10. T

    grey discoloration on tiles after dark grouting

    Dear all experts, Me and my dad has put a LOT of effort into tiling a kitchen wall, and all was going swimmingly until the grouting: while sponging down the wall after grouting with antracite grey (rather dark graphite-like grey) some tiles showed flamy grey discolouration (see pictures). Grout...
  11. I

    Dark nights

    Did a job the other week in a bathroom that had no lights in yet so had to use a spot light which I hate cause when the spot lights get put in the ceiling you see the odd thing you missed like a dodgy grout line.The job after was in a conservatory with no lights in so when it got to 4 I couldnt...
  12. G

    Dark brown grout

    I am trying to find a dark brown epoxy grout, mapei jkerapoxy designer dark brown is perfect but not available yet. Has anyone seen the Litochrom starlike moka? is it very dark?
  13. C

    dark blue dado tile needed

    help needed! please got an insurance job and need 3no! 50mmx150mm dark blue victorian dado tiles ! tried every tile shop in sheffield with no joy, any help or advice welcome .cheers .kev:mad2:
  14. J

    Dark patches appearing on limestone floor tiles after laying and sealing

    Hi all, I'm really hoping you can give me some advice. I've just had my kitchen floor tiled in light grey Jura limestone tiles. The tiler fixed them on top of the existing ceramic tiles with Setaflex grey adhesive using the "spot" technique rather than a solid bed. Some areas where there...
  15. N

    a dark cloud arrived

    i was having a fab day chilling on back garden with some carlsberg export , when a voice ruined it all . my mil had just shown up :mad2::mad2:
  16. E

    Help please! - Cleaning and refinishing dark grey floor tiles

    Hi there, totally newbie to tiling but have a situation where I don't quite understand what is happening or how to fix it. Basically trying to sort out the tiles on my Mum's kitchen floor before selling the house. It appears that when they were laid originally the tiler washed and sealed them...
  17. G

    Really BLACK not dark grey grout needed

    I have tryed BALL ebony grout but customer was not happy as it drys a dark charcoal colour, he is looking for a grout that is black not dark grey, had considered using cement dye but am a bit concerned that it will effect the stability of the grout and still may not give desired results. Id...
  18. H

    dark grout dried white?

    Hi all, just layed an uncalibrated slate floor, what alot of work but happy with the result. Only problem is i used anthracite flexible grout and in most places it has dried chalky white. Left adhesive around 48hrs to dry, mixed up grout as per instructions Im guessing it has over emulsified, i...
  19. S

    How can I clean dark brown grout stains from a light beige porcelain tiles?

    Hi there, I have just had beige porcelain tiles fitted to a bathroom and left a section of around 15cm for some brown mosaics tiles to go. They grouted the mosaic tiles today using Mapie 144 (chocolate brown) which I got and it appears to have stained the tiles a little. He says that he has...
  20. S

    BCT Chester Beige Dark Wall Tiles

    I'm hoping someone here may have a few of these tiles left over that they no longer need? Due to a mistake by my plumber/fitter installing the toilets I've got two bathrooms tiled but we're about half a dozen short to correct the error. I've tried the supplier I bought the originals from, I...

