
  1. F

    please help! - tiles going dark / discolouring!

    hello everyone apologies if I am posting this in the wrong place - my first post! I had a new bathroom put in about 2 weeks ago with some cream ceramic tiles on the walls however, around the bath / show - I've noticed that lots of the tiles are discolouring and going from a cream to a...
  2. E

    Its sooo dark!!!

    Its 6.30am on Sunday morning...Its dark outside and im sitting here eating my porridge. We are going out cycling at 7am...I do think i am mad..:lol:
  3. 3

    White Adhesive Under Dark Mosaics

    I am tiling a shower which I have waterproofed. The shop gave me a ready mix and since have found out this is wrong and was adviced on this forum to use Mapei P9. Which i'm having problems getting hold of before the weekend. However I took back the ready mix and they have given me a bag of...
  4. M

    Grout going dark

    Hi every one, tiled a bathroom about three weeks ago and grouted with a bal superflex ivory grout. I got a phone call from the customer saying it is going dark in places, so i will be going to have a look tomorrow. Any ideas why this is, and what course of action to be taken if any. Most...
  5. G

    Dark grey grout gone white patchy ? Efflorescence ?

    Please help, do you reckon its efflorescence in my grout lines ? Will I have to dig out and re-grout ? or is there a quick way to resolve ?
  6. J

    Dark grout

    Have just put down dark grey/black polished porcelain tiles and have decided to go with a really dark grout (used 3mm spacers). I used bal grey wide joint on my bathroom and want one way more dark than that. I was looking at the bal superflex charcoal. Is it dark? What are the alternatives...
  7. F

    tiling in the dark!

    Started an entrance hallway today, had to 12mm ply, no problems but as I started to finally set out it was 2pm. The only light is one of those buttons you push in and it gives you a few minutes to get to your flat..........well talk about zebedi............going to tape the button down...
  8. S

    glow in the dark grout

    I got asked by a customer for some glow in the dark grout ,I ordered it from Italy and I got it on saturday ,basically its luminous powder that is added to epoxy and glows in the dark after being exposed to light any one else seen or used this yet ?
  9. P

    Dull grout haze, pitted into dark Porcelian tile

    Made a big mistake last week, grouted 25m2 of porcelain (matt finish i think) with Bal superflex grey grout without sealing it first. Cleaned it down well but the grout has grabbed into the texture of the tile and will not come out however hard i scrub. There is almost a dull effect to the tiles...
  10. S

    Granite Tile - G654 Padang Dark Granite

    Hi, I was wondering if someone could advise me on a problem i have been having with this G654 Padnag Granite tile. We had this tile laid in our kitchen aprox 3 months ago. The tiles were laid and the grouting done there and then. Once laid, the tiles appeared much darker at first but were...
  11. S

    Dark patches in limestone grout

    Hi Guys I've just completed a job (grouted last wednesday, finished Thursday) where I used BAL Superflex Wide Joint Limestone. I have just been back to the house as the client has complained about random dark patches on the grout. It looks like damp spots, but I know its definitly not that...
  12. K

    Dark shades in the grout

    Hi All Wondering if anybody has any thoughts or experience as to what may be happening with some limestome ultra grout i've used. In the first bathroom when applied there where dark shades randomly in the grout after it had dried and have now done the second bathroom and the same as happened but...
  13. N

    Need to find dark grey tile trim please.

    Hi, I'm trying to find some gun metal/ dark grey 6mm rounded tile trim for my kitchen. I've looked and asked in all my local tile suppliers including Topps and CTD but they only have pale grey or chrome/ metal trims and couldn't suggest any manufacturers to order from. A friend used exactly what...
  14. V

    Dark red grout

    Hello all, Has any body ever used a dark red wide joint floor grout? If so would you be so good as to let me know where it came from and who the manufacturer is? Best regards Dave
  15. D

    grout colour not as dark as sample.

    Hi guys, I need some help! I've just had to regrout my kitchen floor. The tiles are Porcelain timber effect from procelanosa, the grout is a dark brown. The problem is the colour is lighter than shown on sample. I have mixed the grout as described on package, removed the excess grout with a damp...
  16. C

    Dark Humour

    Some of you will have read that I'm gettin over chemotherapy treatment. Havin a discussion with some mates who knew I had arranged everythin last year when I thought I was a gonna'.... The discussion was "How we would like to go" obviously the general concensus was 'peacefully' I thought it was...

