
  1. G

    Another career change thread don't hate me please

    Hi all, I'm really sorry to bore Many of you. I didn't want to hijack another post. I'm 42 good health and done a few things in my life mostly physical jobs. I really would like to work for myself but struggling to find any positive feedback. My ideas were Either plasterer, door hanger, tiler...
  2. Dan

    NEW MEMBERS: Please introduce yourself in this forum category - Most of us don't bite. :)

    Hi, our forum runs on passion. And we hope you're here to join in. Please leave your tiling questions for the main forums. But post a quick introduction about why you're here, where you found us, whether you're pro or DIY, what kind of job you've got on, that kind of thing. Expect the tilers...
  3. K

    Help ... 2 different tiles joint don’t line up (assumed both 30x60 but not)

    Hi, I bough two types of tiles, one of them being 300x600 rectified split face for a future wall, and the rest 300x600 marble. Only after laying few raws of the split face and one of the marble on one wall, I found out a day after that the joints don’t line up at an internal corner - I know...
  4. M

    Porcelain floor tiles don't seem fit for purpose

    We have just had B&Q fit a kitchen but although we have had B&Q tiles also, we got an independent fitter to level and install the floor as he was half the price of B&Q. We think he did an excellent job, however a couple of tiles have chipped within a month - not at the edges but in the middle...
  5. S

    Don't believe people when they say its an easy job

    Customer said there is a slight dip in floor ! 16 architraves, skirting in situ !
  6. W

    Level the floor? No don't think I'll bother..

    Staying at my wife's cousins house in the UK this weekend and they've just had a load of work done, one job being a bathroom. They asked me to have a look at the bath panel because nobody has been able to get it to fit, they even got The Bath Store to send a new one because they we're told it...
  7. R

    Channel 4 is looking for people who feel they are due a pay rise but don't know how to ask for one

    Hi everyone, I hope you don't mind me posting here but I'm on the look out for employees who are currently paid less than they feel they're worth but lack the negotiating skills or courage to ask for the pay rise they feel they deserve. This is for a new documentary co-production between...
  8. O

    Has anyone got advice on going self employed?

    Hi I am thinking of starting up my own tiling business, after many years of working as a fully qualified tiler, tiling and fitting bathrooms I want to branch out therefore I wanted to ask for any advice that other self employed tilers may have. My main concerns are.. Check a trade is it worth...
  9. Dan

    I Have Spare Tiles Any forum members have spare tiles they don't need any more?

    List them for others to find. Get some space in your garage back. And help somebody too.
  10. A

    Top Row Of Tiles Don't Quite Fit!

    Hi was hoping someone could give me the best solution here. Currently undertaking my first tiling project and came unstuck on the ceiling row. The adjacent wall fits well but the ceiling isn't quite level and the current wall barely fits the tile row with no grout line. I'm using 100x200 metro...
  11. A

    HMRC - Don't you just love them?

    To verify a sub-contractor...... Go online, get referred to a telephone helpline. :expressionless: Wait 38 minutes to speak to an advisor, read some threads on Facebook. :grimacing: Be told they don't deal with your enquiry. :anguished: Get a new helpline phone number. :confused2: Be told on...
  12. Sean Kelly

    Don't forget yr free bag of grout @ CTD when you buy addy.

    Valentines day special.........but offer is only on today FRIDAY 13th!!! Just bought 8 bags of Weber SPF grey @ £15.59 each (each bag has 25% extra free). Buy 2 bags and get a 5k bag of weber grout free. So I got 8 bags of addy and 4 bags of grout for £124.72 Not a bad deal I thought.
  13. widler

    Don't worry the tiler will get over that :)

  14. O

    Don't know whether to laugh or cry

    I have a customer who wants a 1st floor bathroom tiled,which has all of the attributes of a trampoline. Whilst advising him what needs doing to rectify the problem he is canvassing every Tom,Dick and Harry on my advice. Apparently one tiler has said the floor is ok to tile onto as long as a...
  15. Chalker

    Don't you just hate it when you can't blame anyone but yourself!

    Fitted wc frame, tiled grouted. Fitted wet room tray, tiled floor, grouted........ Going to fit toilet. Then realised I've fitted the frame 50mm too low!!! Rellt need some new glasses! There's half a day I won't get back. before, during and after pics.
  16. High Peak Tiling

    Don't we love bodge's

    Started pulling tiles off knowing the existing wall will have to be ripped out and replaced. But didn't expect 25mm chipboard battened off the wall 3 inch!
  17. B

    Don't you just love it.....

    When a customer decides they don't want you to start until tomorrow now... A call last night would've been nice! :-/
  18. STEVO

    Don't you just hate returning....

    Called back to job today to do splash backs in kitchen after I had done the floor on bank holiday weekend. I walked into kitchen to see the floor looking in s&&t state. It was full of tea stains, splash stains, dog hair and muck n dust. Got me thinking that sometimes you just know that shortly...
  19. Dan

    Free £75 Adwords - Get your website listed for searches you don't...

    Google Adwords are running an offer at the moment and are giving away £75's worth of free clicks, when you spend £25 with them. It's probably the best type of offer they've done for a long time, it's usually £25 when you spend £25. Or you can sometimes find a free £50 voucher with no spends...
  20. Dan

    Don't tell me I haven't got your back lol If that doesn't put DIYers off, I don't know what will. If there's anything you want me to ad, feel free. If they're still adamant they want to do it after reading all that, and they haven't...



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