
  1. P

    don't beat the new boy !!

    hi all. thought i,d register with the bad knees brigade. Used it before. It,s been a great help.
  2. Dan

    Dave hits 25,000 posts, don't know how, but he has!

    Well done to Dave! He's sailed past 25,000 posts not long ago! Don't know how he's done it, but he has. A big big thanks! And remember the people that don't thank him but have benefited from those posts, which is all the customers of the tilers he's helped. Customer: So can I...
  3. R

    Advice please-I don't want to get out of my depth!

    Morning all, Had a call through Google people the other day, it was a bit of a surprise as I had completely forgotten that I had signed up after reading about it on here. Anyways, a local developer was desperately seeking as apparently west lonondon has a tiler drought....he has 2 bathrooms to...
  4. D

    Have you noticed that cool guys don't

    look back at explosions...:lol: YouTube - Cool Guys Don't Look At Explosions can you find out else as stupid as this..
  5. CJ

    Quotes you don't really want

    Had a call from a rough sounding bint yesterday.......and from a rough part of town. Oh well........a jobs a job, I thought. Went around this evening to look at it. :yikes: Parked in the front garden was a manky looking Avondale Chavtastic caravan.....with equally looking manky burbury...
  6. W

    They just Don't listen

    Doing some work for a builder but the customer is supplying the materials. The customer went to a tile supplier who recomended bal adhesive, white star, fast flex and super flex grout. The tiles on the walls 400x 250 ceramic, 300x300 porcelain on the floor with ufh. Phoned the builder and...
  7. H

    I don't know what to do!!

    Hi All, Please read the thread as I'm not asking for you to give me a price but to advise me if what I am doing is ok.. I have 2 small floors to quote for and I'm not sure if I should charge day or per m2. The first floor is 1.4m2 a cloakroom and the second is 2.5m2 both have a bowl and basin...
  8. R

    latest project 'what lies beneath and why we tank and don't butt join tiles'

    Hi all, Thought i'd pop up a couple of pics of the latest project. Brief outline is that the builder fitted the bathroom 18mths ago, didnt use a floor former, didnt tank, pretty much butt joined the tiles and did very strange things with the ply floor, customer hasn't been able to use the wet...
  9. L

    Don't mention the war!

    Don't mention the war! No-one likes to admit they haven't got enough work but I've got 2-3 possible jobs, one big but if they don't come in - nada, niente, nothing......too many tilers inc. new ones out there and not enough jobs to go round...? what do you reckon..? Think I may have to learn...
  10. L

    DIY ? Don't bother, get a professional in !

    Admire people for having a go themselves, but some people should admit defeat and get a professional in !!! :yikes::lol: YouTube - tiling 101 and here is another DIY muppet .... - LMAO, how long must it have taken him ???????? Mind...
  11. C

    Please don't buy from Victoria Plumb or

    I would like to warn our customers that there is a trader out there peddling gear that is basically unfit for purpose. They are called Victoria Plumb. Their prices seem attractive, but I will now refuse to fit them for clients. They are the ONLY supplier who's products I will no longer fit...
  12. Sean Kelly

    Don't you just hate it..........

    when you spot another tilers van just around the corner from where you live. Then find out that he has come from the other side of London (or wherever). Then again, I guess it works both ways!
  13. F

    I don't believe it!!!!

    Got a call tonight to see a lady not happy with the partner's mates tiling. 2.5m2 splash-back and 4.5m2 floor. As soon as I got there she was on my case with what adhesives, how long it should take etc. The bloke in question was apparently an all-rounder DIY-er. Day one, he only put up under...
  14. L

    Game : for people who don't like cats

    Amusing and quite addictive..... Cat-a-Pult - Gamenode Free Online Games
  15. C

    Fitting former. I suffered so you don't have to!

    Following my recent adventures with the former, I just thought I would give an account of its installation, which has now been successfully completed. This is my first wetroom installation and Wetdecs has helped me choose which former to use, and has helped heaps with being on the end of the...
  16. J

    When customers don't pay

    As many of you know I recently won a court case against a cutomer who refused to pay for a perfectly fantastic bathroom I completed. I thought I would write a quick guide to the whole claims process. 1-Customer refuses to pay 2-Send a letter recorded delivery stating why you should be paid...
  17. W

    Don't Mess With Little Girls

    A guy was seated next to a little girl on the airplane when he turned to her and said, 'Let's talk. I've heard that flights go quicker if you strike up a conversation with your fellow passenger. The little girl, who had just opened her book, closed it slowly and said to the guy, 'What would...
  18. F

    See you all in... don't know when :(

    Well, this might be my last post for quite some time as Im moving house and have a lot to do, and have no idea when we'll get net connected at the new place, so everyone behave yourselves and I'll see you some time in the future, I hope...happy tiling :thumbsup:
  19. B

    don't use unibond?

    read recently that professional tilers don't use pva unibond. if not, what do you use instead?:huh2:
  20. B

    Don't you just love customers!

    Ok I have a tiling job to do next week and the guy phoned me up about an hour ago and told me his wife has changed one of the walls from 300x300 ceramic to 300x300 marble :mad2: My quote was accepted and everything was fine, but this changes things, the wall is 2.65m x 2.25m and has two holes...



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