
  1. D

    Don't scream or swear BUT...!!

    Is anybody watching this yrs bigbrother...?...............:grin:.....
  2. D

    Don't play this it's addictive.... Good luck....:lol:
  3. D

    don't fly-tip.....

    Fly tipping is the illegal dumping of waste. The law says that fly tipping can be anything from a bin bag of rubbish to large amounts of waste dumped by builders from trucks. And it’s not just rubbish dumped on lay-bys or unused land that is illegal – fly-tipped waste can be found anywhere...
  4. Dan

    Cold Callers List of Names - Don't Give Them Business!

    If you get a call from cold callers and you want to warn others about the name of their company then list them here! Checkout the other cold callers list at the tile network. First one CUSTOMER STREET - claim they can get you business and charge a shed load for it! Don't sign-up! Checkout...
  5. G

    Don't Involve Yourself

    DIY disasters 'cost £350m' 1 day ago Britons have collectively caused £350 million worth of damage to their homes trying to copy things they saw on DIY television shows, a survey has shown. Around 750,000 have damaged their properties while trying to emulate improvements seen on home makeover...
  6. Dan

    Posts in the off-topic room don't count towards your total posts.

    Posts in the off-topic forum now don't count as part of your total post count.



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