
  1. P

    Facebook. Google+, tumblrand pinterest!

    Social media is becoming more and more important! and this year I have embraced it! anyone on these forms of media that follows/likes me I will do the same back....I have discovered facebook recently.....its great for having a chat! all the best Lee
  2. P

    I just joined facebook!

    anyone got any tips for me?.......I have no idea!!! never really wanted to but was told its good for business.....anyone got any tips? Pro-Tilers on facebook
  3. T

    Facebook 'likes'

    Hi everyone, just a quicky to ask if any has time, would you please nip on Facebook and 'like' and share my new Tiling page. I set it up two days ago and its bloody hard work getting likes!! Hope this doesnt get me on trouble asking this on here? Thanks everyone...
  4. R

    RUBI UK on Facebook and Twitter in English!

    Hiya, RUBI now have a Facebook in English, why not 'Like' our page: https://www.facebook.com/ClubRubiEnglish :welcome: And we're also on Twitter too, click the link to 'follow' us: Broken Link Removed and we'll follow you straight back. :thumbsup: We will keep you updated on product info and...
  5. T


    I have created page in facebook recently start to put some of my jobs I have done don't want to put them all in one go any comments welcome Turkish Tiler | Facebook
  6. M

    Facebook and Twitter...

    Hi Everyone!! Mapei, leading manufacturers of adhesives, sealants and chemical products for building, have joined social networking websites, Facebook and Twitter. Mapei are excited to use their Facebook Fan Page and Twitter profile as a new way to engage existing customers and hope to...
  7. AliGage

    Facebook pages

    Here's mine: Allister Gage | Facebook Anyone who has a facebook page to promote there business please post your addresses and i'll add you to my friends list.
  8. Dan

    Facebook Likes Required

    Hi lads and ladies. I need a favour. The following new Facebook pages all need likes. Clearly it's not secret now that this forum will be getting a dedicated classified ads website very very soon. :) As part of that, we have Facebook pages for each of them. Could you be kind enough to...
  9. D

    On Facebook how do

    you friend request , other company s that you know , i have been on a few today ,and there don't appear to be any friend request buttons !!, perhaps you guys know how to do it ?? thanks for any replies :thumbsup:
  10. widler

    facebook page

    Sitesfor Tilers | Facebook is this anything to do with anyone on here,i joined thinking it was someone on here ?
  11. Dan

    Tilers on Facebook

    Please help each other get some Facebook likes to your Facebook pages. David Howe Tiling - Tiler in Durham | Facebook - for Dave Tilers Forums .co.uk | Facebook - for the forum Tiler in Manchester - Phil Hobson the Tiler | Facebook - for Phil Hobson Please add yours so people can like it for...
  12. Dan

    Plug your website on our facebook page

    Plug your website on our facebook page. :) Tilers Forums .co.uk | Facebook Please let me know on TF when you have done that.
  13. Dan

    Cover Image on TilersForums Facebook Page

    https://www.facebook.com/TilersForums I need a cover image on the TilersForums Facebook page. I thought I'd ask you guys to add some of your photo's to this thread, and then we'll have a vote on which one to use maybe? They need to be landscape rather than portrait unless they are huge (if...
  14. S


    Hi peeps... would really appreciate it if you could like my Facebook page if you think it's worthy enough. Not much on it yet, but is a work in progress. Will happily return the favour and it will help me to unlock all the features on it too..... Cheer's in advance. SPM Design - Professional...
  15. G

    Kids, be careful what you claim on Facebook !

  16. Dan

    Wanted: Facebook Likes for a Page :)

    Please like the following page for me. https://www.facebook.com/ExtremeSportsForum Cheers.
  17. widler

    facebook page

    hi boys and girls hope everyone is well,not being a great contributor to the forum but still a active member i hope you could all have a look at my facebook page and 'like' it:hurray:. ive made it myself the same as my website,its not superb but not to bad for a man with little brain matter...
  18. U

    Facebook malware warning

    Some morons thought of this one, if you get it, don't believe it's a CNN news link. US attacks Iran and Saudi Arabia? Malware spreads via Facebook status updates | Naked Security
  19. Dan

    "Like" Phil Hobson's page on facebook for me please?

    https://www.facebook.com/pages/Phil-Hobson-Tiler-in-Manchester/171703766226892 Like phil's page on facebook for me. I need over 20 likes so I can get a page name for him. (Working on your website as I type phil!)
  20. C


    Hi there, How many of you are using facebook to market your business to its full potential?? If you are not on facebook then i suggest you join and make as many friends as you can, then access an app called "FQL" its basically facebooks version of "SQL" (structured query language) and its used...



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