
  1. Dan

    New Feature: Social Media Buttons (Facebook, Goolge+, Twitter etc)

    I've just added a new feature to the forum which expands on the existing Facebook 'like' feature. Now you'll find buttons on many pages, for many social networks. Please do like each thread that you find interesting, the more threads liked, the better. And please click 'Like' in the forum...
  2. Dan

    'Like' TilersForums on Facebook

    Please feel free to click 'Like' on our Facebook Page for TilersForums Tilers Forums .co.uk | Facebook If you have a facebook business page then please reply here with a link to it and we'll share some likes. :) Thanks in advance.
  3. D

    Google+... will it take over facebook.

    Official Google Blog: Introducing the Google+ project: Real-life sharing, rethought for the web Released soon. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xwnJ5Bl4kLI&feature=player_embedded
  4. Dan

    Like our pages please? - Facebook Required

    Like my page for me please? Cheers. - Untold Developments - http://www.facebook.com/pages/Untold-Developments-Ltd/138860552856230 tilersforums.com - Tilers Forums .co.uk | Facebook untold.media - untoldmedia | Facebook If you have a facebook page, feel free to reply here with it and we'll...
  5. U

    Facebook public business page

    I have a new mosaic business page on facepook, it is public, so no idea if you have to be part of facebook to see it and click the 'like' button, but if you good people wouldn't mind taking a look, it's pretty new and marries up with my website galleries, and if you like what you see click the...
  6. CJ

    Last Post on Facebook

    Bin Ladens last post
  7. Dan

    Anybody use the facebook login thing?

    Does anybody use the facebook login thing on the forum? And if so, do you ever click 'like' in a thread? Or post your new threads to your wall?
  8. S


    anybody having problems accesing facebook today? ave no got on since 6am:thumbsup:
  9. M

    Who's on Facebook??

    Simple enough question:lol:
  10. D

    can we link to facebook on here

    is there any way we can link tilersforum to our facebook or have i lost the plot :thumbsup:
  11. Dan

    Facebook Places active for the UK

    Anybody checked in anywhere yet with it?
  12. P

    Facebook advice

    I just joined facebook, being a bit of an oldie,and not fully understanding how to use this site, i was wondering if anyone could give me some advice on how to use facebook to my advantage in promoting my business.
  13. M


    Who uses it and how often?? I've just started, so new to it all:smilewinkgrin:
  14. E


    If any of you guys are on facebook check my mates site out. Got some good heavy recovery pictures. it is Mick Gould Commercials ltd :thumbsup:
  15. D

    facebook pictures

    Is it possible to move pictures from facebook to the forum? If so how please? :20::20:
  16. O

    WARNING - Facebook Virus

    I got a virus today on the laptop, via facebook I got a message on facebook from someone on my friend list, it was along the lines of, Are you really in this Vid, and had a link for a tiling video Becuase it was a friend and a tiling video I opened the link, it was a virus that i've spent the...
  17. P

    Any Tilers on facebook?

    Any of you oribal lot wanna be my friend? add me Dean Kelly here's the profile pic coz theres a few of us!
  18. M

    Do you use Facebook for your business?

    I've got a personal account on Facebook but am now adding a business page. Anyone here use it as part of their marketing? Does it help? If you have one can you post me the link so I can have a look? Cheers
  19. G

    Facebook has its uses!

    I was on Facebook earlier today and set my status as "anyone need any tiling/plastering work doing?". Five minutes later I had two people contact me to go and do estimates tomorrow! I've also had somone offer me some regular work doing refurbs. After that quick respons I decided to create a...
  20. U

    Facebook Group.

    Hi All, We have set up facebook group - Elektra underfloor heating. :hurray: We would really appreciate it if those of you who have used our stuff could become a 'Fan' and leave some feedback on the wall. Also, those of you that do attend the forth coming training session could also...



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