
  1. D

    Screws for Hardibacker

    Hi I've only seen specific branded screws in 30+mm for Hardibacker boards, but they seem a bit long for some installations. However, some other basic screws don't always seem to finish flush on the surface. Am I missing a trick here? Should any screws really suffice? Cheers
  2. T

    laying hardibacker board without screws?

    if a floor is the same level throughout, but is half floorboards and half concrete, is it acceptable to screw 6mm hardibaker to the floorboards but just stick them to the concrete with tile adhesive? . . . or is adhesive alone not enough?
  3. R

    Hardibacker or Aquapanel?

    Hi there, I'm in the process of replacing a shower area, have taken off old tiles and all existing plasterboard which was in a bad way as it had obviously leaked for quite a while. Can anybody tell me what the difference is between Hardibacker and Aquapanel and which is best to use, and can...
  4. D

    What goes between 17mm Marine Ply and 6mm Hardibacker?

    Hi, I'm about to replace my floorboards with 17mm Marine Ply and then 6mm of Hardibacker on top before laying tiles. I thought I just screwed the Hardibacker to the Ply, but apparently I need a layer of tile adhesive in between. That's news to me, is that right? If so, I assume I need...
  5. D

    Under my tiles... (UFH, Hardibacker, Ply?)

    Hi, A little help if I may, I'm tiling my bathroom floor soon and whilst I've tiled before, this is my first floor-tiling and the first time I've used underfloor heating. It's a second floor bathroom with wood floorboards, my understanding from reading around is this is the right way to...
  6. L


    Been on one of those jobs today that you realy dont need, loads of work to be done and every trade on site, people moving in Friday but it just aint gonna happen, anyway i would like a pound for every person who walked passed me today and said oh you stick it aswell, be honest it got so bad i...
  7. S

    fixing 1/2 inch hardibacker board to celcon block walls.

    i need to fix hardibacker boards directly to celcon building blocks.i cant stud it out as space is limited in the shower.i was planning to rawplug it to the wall and use stainlesss steel screws.however the wall is slightly out about 1/4 inch overall.i could pack it out ,but are there any methods.
  8. A

    Hardibacker Board

    i am in the process of screwing down hardibacker onto my existing levelled concrete floor to stabilise the levelling compound which delaminated in some areas. question. where the boards meet there is a joint. Do I need to grout this joint at all before tiling and I think i am right in...
  9. A

    Hardibacker - Sillica Dust WARNING!!

    Silica Dust Warning click on the link to view video i thought id post this up as i didnt realise that the sillica dust that is exposed when cutting hardibacker boards can cause lung cancer and lung disease...there is a really good shearing tool that is shown and it minimises the dust too...
  10. W

    Another Question about hardiebacker

    Never used before but got a job next week. Brand new house, bathroom floor. The floor currently has 22mm chipboard down, and removing it is not an option. It is inly a small area and is very very sold - no detectable bounce/deflection anywhere. What would be the best option 1) 6 mm...
  11. K

    hardibacker i am confused

    always used ply for overboarding but now thinking of tryin hardibacker after problems with height isues prob is not sure how to use it ,guy in tops tiles reckons for over boarding tounge and groove floors you need a thin layer of adhesive [4mm notch] then 6mm hardibacker screwed down every 200mm...
  12. S

    hardibacker v permalayer

    has anybody used permalayer for tiling over floorboards? its like a spongy sheet, apparantly you pva the floor screed it, lay the sheet and tile over, theres also another product, cant remember the name but it consists of 18" sheets you simply stick to the floor and tile over, my merchant says...
  13. B

    Fitting hardibacker

    Hi guys, Having trouble fitting the hardibacker to a masonry wall, i ve been told to screw plug adhesive. Is this the correct way? measure out wall Drill plug mark out the measurements on the board adhesive the wall stick on the board and screw it on? The screws jewsons have given...
  14. D

    Dunlop Waterproofing Kit on Hardibacker

    I have bought the Dunlop Waterproofing Kit for my shower area (and if some is left over I may put some over bath). My shower area is Hardibacker board on a stud wall, with a built in recess for shower gel and the like. I have a couple of questions that I hope someone can guide me on? 1)...
  15. J

    Hardibacker or nomoreply

    Hi I'm about to replace my bathroom tiles and I am using travertine floor to ceiling and on the floor (the room is 2m x 2m). On the walls, I have stripped the plasterboard back to the studs (or blockwork on the exterior wall) but I can't decide between Hardibacker 12 mm or NMP 9 mm. They are...
  16. W

    Marble onto 6mm HardiBacker?

    Hello All, Thanks for your help in the past - the granite floor I laid in our small bathroom is looking great. I used a flexible adhesive for this - one of the expensive BAL rubber ones I think - and no movement. My next project is the kitchen floor. Much bigger expanse - 5.4m x 3m, so I...
  17. D

    Where can I buy Hardibacker board 250 in the midlands?

    I have been buying my Hardibacker board 250 from B&Q (and the 500 from Jewsons). I now require four more sheets of the Hardibacker 250 (6mm x 1500 x 900) but my local B&Q does not stock them anymore and nor do any other local B&Qs. I know Topps sell them but for some reason they sell them only...
  18. B


    I know you can't use plasterboard adhesive on Hardibacker, but can anything else such as gripfill, no nails etc be used to glue it on sound plaster skimmed plasterboard?
  19. K

    Hardibacker for External site?

    Hi all I'm a newcomer on here,so hope I'm posting in the right place! I need advice on wether Hardibacker concrete board will be ok as a sustrate for an external mosaic? Will I need to seal the hardibacker? Can I frame it or would you screw directly to the external wall?(how?) Thanks Kaz:thumbsup:
  20. kilty55

    fixing hardibacker 250 to a highly glossed floor

    lo all,ive fixed hardi boards numerous times with addy and screws to t and g boards,,this job i have looked at has an old painted border on it...seems to have been done profesionally a long time ago and has a very glossy varnish over the boards,,what do you guys/gals reckon will it be safe...



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