
  1. B


    hi all..... just want to confirm my research.....cost aside, is it true to say that the advantage of MARMOX backer board over hardibacker is that Marmox is both waterproof AND insulating whereas hardibacker is just waterproof?
  2. C

    Karndeen tiles on Hardibacker?

    Customer I did a bathroom for wants to lay karneen tiles on the floor, These are not self adhesive. Would I be OK screwing the 6mm hardibacker onto the floor, If so, should I use an Adhesive as well and if so, which one? This is completely new to me. Thanks
  3. N

    fixing hardibacker on tng

    hi everyone need advice fixing hardibacker on tng in upstairs bathroom. I was going to make sure the tng was solid ist before screwing down the hardi on top is that right !!or do i need to put a flexible powder base on top of tng and then fix hardi on top of that!!! ime gona be using bal...
  4. M

    Shears for cutting Hardibacker

    Anyone know where I can get shears suitable for cutting the Hardibacker board? Lawrence
  5. P

    Sink Worktop - Hardibacker or ply?

    Hi Making a sink worktop to be tiled in Porcelain 600x300's. I need something structural for the weight of the sink - waterproof ply would do 12mm or 18mm. However, would people recommend that I then use something like 6mm Hardibacker on top of that? Or is it fine to lay direct onto the ply -...
  6. L

    Hardibacker Board - should I use it on the walls?

    Hi All, I have picked up some 6mm Hardibacker today from Topps but they had no screws in. This has given me time to pause and contemplate. I was going to use it on the wall adjacent to the bath. The bath goes across the full width of the end of the room. The tap end is on Wet Plastered on...
  7. H

    Hardibacker Tile Backer Board.....any Questions??

    Hey all!! Im Ash the Hardibacker Rep for the North of England and Scotland.....if anyone has any questions about installation, technical details or would just like to know more about our range of products please dont hesitate to get in contact..... Ash
  8. H

    Hello all! Hardibacker Rep Here!

    Hey! Im Ash, the Hardibacker rep for the North of England and Scotland! If any of you have any questions about Hardibacker....technical, installation practices etc etc please dont hesitate to send me a message!! Ill be dropping in on some of the threads to offer some advice as well...
  9. S

    hardibacker on tg floor boards?

    hi all need some advice on laying hardi on tg floor boards,the floor boards are fairly secure ,i will add a few more screws to secure, 1.can i then use bal rapid set flexi direct to tg floor boards and hardi on top of that or 2. should i use a 12mm ply, screw to floor boards and then flexi and...
  10. W


    just been to price a kitchen floor up and the customer has put 38 sqm of hardibacker down onto t+g boards. no addy is under the boards so would i still be ok to tile onto it?
  11. B


    Evenin:8: need to put some backerboard onto brick over an aga -is it poss to d+d it??or will i need to batten it out?Or is their a wedi type fixing you can get? Cheers for any ideas
  12. P

    Hardibacker screws

    Hi,I'm a new member ,could anyone tell me where I can get some short screws for hardibacker board.The one's at topps tiles are 34mm and are too long I need some around 25mm. Thanks Peter.
  13. D

    Aquapanel or Hardibacker

    I am looking to strengthen an 18mm chipboard substrate to take 333x333mm travertine. I would normally use 12mm aquapanel spf'd and screwed for such a job but was thinking of trying the 6mm Hardibacker to reduce the height a bit. I am slightly nervous of the thin hardibacker and don't want a...
  14. C

    Questions on Aquapanel, Hardibacker etc.

    Hello folks, as I mentioned in the newbies section, I got some questions on cement boards and stuff related. I am from Germany and I am strongly interested in the British market because of my job for a German newspaper. Help would be appreciated, I'm quite desperate...:huh2: Well, let's...
  15. G


    Morning all! Having trawled through these pages I see lots recommend the use of Hardibacker for shower cubicles. Has anyone ever fixed the boards directly onto the wall? My customer wants to avoid bring the tiling out too far and I was hoping I could "smear" the back of the board with Silicon...
  16. M

    What do you use on hardibacker?

    I'm gunna use multiflex but on thinking about it, as I'm going to be tiling onto a cement based product could I have got away with rapid set? Obviously the hardibacker will be screwed to the boards.
  17. M

    Hardibacker board

    I'm going to lay a floor (floorboard and concrete, check other post) onto Hardibacker board. It seems my best solution to keep levels the same. Anyway, the joint inbetween the concrete and the floorboards, still need to be a Silicon joint to allow for movement? or as I'm using the Hardibacker...



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