
  1. B

    tiled kitchen splashback

    i need a tiler for the splashback in my kitchen. It's L shaped, so it will be one wall 2.5m x .7 high with one socket and boxing in around boiler pipes, the second wall is about 2.8m but im undecided as to how high to go up as this wall has a window on it. I haven't chosen the tiles yet. Based...
  2. P

    Plastic splash back

    Hi there I've just a job on the kitchen walls it was painted as I looked closer it seems there was some sort of plastic sheeting over the walls is this ok to tile on to.its fixed proberly and there no movement.pls help
  3. Z

    mosaic tile splash-back

    The sink is not in situ. I plan to do a mosaic tile splash-back. Where in relation to the sink, when it is replaced, should the mosaics stop and start? Thank you
  4. M

    splashback i will be doing....

    hi guys I am going to be doing a kitchen splash before xmas need some advice on how to handle it don't have much experience in ripping out cheers . got some pics of a couple of the issus I am going to find myself with here you go....first pic basically the walls are partition and the tiles are...
  5. D

    Sealing white grout kitchen splash back?

    Finished tiling kitchen splash back with help from this forum. I am now worried about grease stains etc behind the hob area. The tiles are metro white with white grout. Should I seal the grout and if so what do you recommend? Also I still need to seal between the worktop and tiles. The worktop...
  6. I

    Lash Levelling Clips - any good?

    Any body used lash levelling clips - Tile Levelling great value and top quality from Tradetiler Are they any good?
  7. W

    Lash Clips

    has anyone used Raimondi Lash Clips? they are used in conjunction with a clamping device which suits me as the other types are hard work on your hands after a few hours.
  8. P

    chevron splash back

    First time ive done chevron and quite enjoyed doing it but it was very time consuming with alot of cuts to thick porcelain tiles. I didnt use spacers as the tiles were different shapes so used a good non slip adhesive (and i dont know why theres a line under my text but oh well) On that note...
  9. C

    Tiler in bishop Auckland - kitchen backsplash

    Needed to start ASAP, 4 double sockets, 3-4 metres. Good old metros cheeers
  10. M

    Lash clip recomendation?

    I have a 20m2 600 x 600 porcelain floor tiling job in a few weeks. tiling onto the existing concrete which i am going to level where needed. just because i have never used them before I want to give the lash clips a go what everyone talks about to see if they really do make laying with no...
  11. N

    Back splash behind a corner sink - advice needed

    I'm a newbie to tiling and thought I'd start with a little job of a few mosaic tiles as a splash back behind a new corner sink. I've instantly run into problems - the sink isn't square/level to the corner. I can either line the tiles up with the corner and they aren't level with the sink, or I...
  12. A

    Travertine Splashback

    Hi Guys Am doing a Travertine splashback tomorrow with 100x100 tumbled and unfilled travertine tiles. I will be using white adhesive, buttering them on the back. When it comes to sealing and grouting - customer wants the holes leaving for the rustic look. Im concerned that splashes of food...
  13. T

    who uses lash clips

    recently used lash clips on a bathroom and found them great. i know most tilers wouldn't touch them but is there any real drawback from using them. this is a recent bathroom and en-suite i installed and used lash clips for the first time. i always replace every wall with moisture board...
  14. E

    mirror mosiac tiles for backsplash HELP

    Hi i am trying to find some mirror mosaic tiles on mesh for my kitchen back splash but can only find them in america can any one help. They are of differant shapes of glass that give a pixilated look i carnt seem to put up a link to the picture off them
  15. G

    Flashback to 1998

    Someone posted a photo of 1998 world trials at Hawkstone park on a media website and I recognised myself in it....Can you see me ?
  16. D

    Sigma tile wedges...

    Been using the Sigma tile wedges this week ... Really good they are.. worth getting some IMHO , they are upto 5mm depth but are wider in size than the rubi ones and more robust IMO.. Anyone else use them .?
  17. 5

    Mosaic splash back and ceramic field tile questions!

    Hi folks have a few q's regarding my own kitchen job just starting,i am doing a 800mm wide by 1500mm high splashback above the hob in linear mosaics each mosaic is 10mmx50mm on 30x30cm sheets they are a mixture of glass and natural stone,although i thought they were all glass when i bought...
  18. Dan

    Splashback Ideas

    Let us talk to you about Splashbacks. These fantastic products stand behind your oven or sink, and add a stylish, eye-catching focal point to your kitchen. We have a whole host of different styles and designs to choose from, so why not pick one that best suits your personality? The Brights...
  19. S

    Smooth Metro brick tiles for splashback

    Hi I'm looking for some recommendations for quality Metro tiles. I had been going to get a sample of the Laura Ashley from BTC but you guys seem to suggest these are awful! I don't want beveled or crazed. I want a quality smooth tile in subtle colours. Any suggestions? all the smooth ones...
  20. A

    Advice on Splashback/Window Sill Tiling

    Apologies if this has been covered by another thread. I'm about to embark on tiling my kitchen splashback/windowsill. I'm using tiles 300mm x 100mm but my window sill plinth is currently only about 90mm above the worktop. I'm thinking of building up the height of the existing plinth to allow...

