
  1. P

    Laser Levels

    Bought a laser level a few weeks ago,and found it easy to use on floors,I've got a couple of big floors coming up and it's so handy,does any one else use a laser?which brand?are they any good ?
  2. B

    Levels !!!! Best And Worst ?

    Hi Gents Hope X mas was a success. Its time to invest in some new levels ... just wondering what we all use and what to avoid Many thanks Happy new year
  3. A

    Floor Levels Out...HELP!

    Hi guys hoping someone could advise me as to what needs doing on a job i am on. Its a long winded explanation so please bare with me. The job is an insurance job. A pipe burst underneath the floor last year. The whole job has taken around 6 months and the family have had to be put up in a...
  4. M


    next on my list is a set of decent levels, cheap as possible but good quality whats your reccomendations? cheers
  5. C


    Currently using stabila 70-2. They are good levels for cleaning down etc but tbh, I find them a tad flimsy so looking at upgrading, so what are you all using? I'm looking at a high end set, maybe the stabila r beam or the 96-2.
  6. darren pealing

    Laser levels

    Bosch dewalt lieca or hilti or pls,what are you're views guys,regards Darren.
  7. B

    SLC or Hardie Backer to get levels correct

    Hi All, I’ve been tiling a few years doing work for friends and family and plan to take it up full time when I leave the RAF in a couple of years. I’ve been asked to tile my neighbours kitchen, new utility area and hall following a new kitchen fit and a knock through into part of the...
  8. Andy Allen

    spirit levels

    mine have seen better days, anyone got any recomendations, or know of any bargains to be had.. many thanks...
  9. O

    6mm ply under tray former to make my levels correct?

    Hi, Over the main bathroom floor im using 18mm WBP over joists with added noggins. On top of that will be 10mm Marmox board on a 2mm addy bed. Total 30mm. The shower tray is a AKW tuff form tray (22mm). I wasnt going to put UFH over this tray just over the rest of the floor but looking at the...
  10. P


    just thought I'd ask whats the prefered level you guys use for setting out? be it spirit,laser or even water (never used one of those for 20yr+) although you can still get them
  11. R

    Spirit levels...

    Im looking at replenishing my tools (as you may have guessed by all my posts on tools this evening :smilewinkgrin:) and am looking at getting a new set of levels. My first question is what levels you guys use and would recommend? Next question is about sonic levels (think thats what they are...
  12. N

    Different floor levels

    Hope someone can help. I wish to tile a dining room which adjoins a kitchen. The floor is concrete though in the kitchen the previous owners have placed new tiles over the old tiles so the surface sits approx 15mm above the concrete surface. Ideally I would like to make the new tiles level with...
  13. T

    Water levels

    Just wondered how many of you guys/gals use, or have used a water level?Faithfull Water Level 20M/66Ft Professional : Tooled-Up.com I think they are the most acurate (if used right) the best way to transfare levels over distances, also into different rooms around corners etc. Lasers are great...
  14. D

    Offer on Spirit levels

    If anyone's in the market for a new spirit level, I've seen some Stanley FatMax XLs on offer. 100cm £19.94 inc VAT 200cm £40.00 inc VAT other sizes available delivery £3.95 The F/M XL/Extremes are at the upper end of Stanleys range with 0.5mm/1m accuracy which is "guaranteed" for 10 years. I...
  15. S

    Kitchen and hall on different levels

    Hi all I'm going to tile on concrete from my kitchen through to the hallway (I am not having a door, just the door opening) using 300mm x 300mm x about 6mm ceramic tiles. I'm having underfloor heating in the kitchen which will raise the level by 5mm (the thickness of the mat). My tiler said...
  16. U

    joining tile to carpet of different levels

    Hi, Just had bathroom floor tiled. Tiles are 10mm thick with underfloor heating so end result is that the tile floor is higher that the carpet on the landing. The carpet fitters have fitted a metal strip at the doorway but it doesn't look good because it sticks up at the carpet side. Is there a...
  17. D

    Stabila LED Illuminating levels from Trade Tiler.

    Quite like the look of these from Dave@ Trade Tiler.. Tradetiler Spirit levels Good for dimly lit area's of a room when setting out your datums..:thumbsup:
  18. D

    Maintaining Floor Levels

    Hi There I wish to tile a hallway in a victorian house. The current subfloor is floorboard but I would like to remove these and replace with something thinner in order to have the finished floor level as close as possible to the existing floor level. The reason for this is that the rooms...
  19. R

    Stabila levels on offer

    Just to let folks know a couple of independant builders merchants local to me have an offer on at the moment for a 3 pack of stabila levels (6',4' & 2') for around £55 (can't remember exactly i've a flyer in the van) not sure how much of a discount off normal it is but it seemed cheap to me.
  20. T

    rubi levels

    hi every one just like to say just after xmas i brought a set of rubi levels ,as most of my tools are rubi thought it would look nice ,and no mistaking they are mine ,well 3 months old and they are looking sh-t ,all the paints coming off , and when like many you stick the level in you add and...



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