i have a refina mm30 mixer for plastering that can mix 4 bags of backing plaster at a time. it is 1750w and i wanted to use it in the future so i could save on buying a rubi mixer. can you pros take a look at this ...
Ok thicko question coming up:angel_smile: . When using the grout markings the 3.5kg mark on the bucket , is this how much water u should be using for 3.5kg of grout? Still trying to perfect my grouting so bought 1 but a bit confused by it(thought it looked like a lot of water) Told u it was a...
bal adhesive
building adhesives
Hi all
Going to lay a slate fireplace soon but when i read the label on the liquid latex it states that you have to mix the whole bottle with 4 kg of adhesive but i don't need anywhere near this much,but guessing on what quantities to put in is also dodgy or do you mix the lot regardless.
when using different products, is it essential to use different primers. i.e Bal primers for Bal adhesives etc
the reason I ask is
I am laying an Arditex Latex SLC on timber floor then following this up with Bal Fastflex for the tiles.
do I need to prime the timber first with an...