
  1. O

    Plasterboard repairs prior to re-tiling

    I've set about replacing our shower and the tiled area above it. The old shower's out, but getting the tiles off the wall has been a chore because they were well stuck with a black bitumen-like adhesive. The wall is a stud wall, with dual sheets of plasterboard, and removing the tiles has...
  2. R

    1" gap between bottom of plasterboard and shower base

    Totally new to this game. Had to rip off 3 rows of shower enclosure tiles at the base of my shower on 2 walls and replace a small area of damaged plasterboard which I have done. 3 questions 1) There is roughly a 1" gap between bottom of plasterbard and top of shower base unit lip which had...
  3. M

    Best tubbed for ceramic on tanked plasterboard

    Hi all, I'm neeing advice on what tubbed adhesive to get (from B&Q) for ceramic wall tiles (30x20) on tanked plasterboard walls. I'm hopeless at mixing bagged stuff, I cant get the consistency right (tiles sliding down the walls!), it goes off to soon and I'm wasting a lot of it each time ive...
  4. D

    Which adhesive for plasterboard?

    Can anyone tell me which adhesive is best to use when applying straight to new plasterboards? My tiles are ceramic 30x20. I will be tiling a bathroom and wetroom area. From what I can understand applying PVA to the boards is a big no no as the PVA may become loose if water gets in. Im...
  5. M

    Plasterboard on stud walls

    Drylined a few bedrooms and always left a small gap before plastering to allow for expansion and skirting covers gap. About to start on a bathroom which will be tiled onto directly, (floor and wall), possible some tanking in places. (but only around the bath). Whatever i decide to use on...
  6. E

    Fixing Plasterboard.

    Do I need to leave any expansion gap between 12.5mm plasterboard sheets or just but joint??
  7. E

    Painting and tiling on plasterboard ?

    I am currently refurbishing my separate toilet and bathroom. In the bathroom I am having wall units in an area of new plasterboard stud wall. Not a damp area. What do you guys Recommend for treatment before tiling with rapidset? As I want the tiles to 'sit on' the unit top I won't be tiling...
  8. S

    Removing paint from plasterboard

    I am in the process of sanding emulsion off of plasterboard. The prob I am having is that the colour of the paint is so close to the plaster I cant tell the paint is removed until im beyond the paper. Im thinking of just going over it a few times to take the majority of it off. I remember...
  9. E

    Fixing 12.5 plasterboard to 25mm timber battens.

    I am building out one wall of the bathroom using 38 x 25mm battens and fixing plasterboard (aquapanel in shower area). I intend to fix the battens at 300mm centres with Spax single thread wood screws 4.5 x 70mm and rawlplugs. Substrate is 12mm render over brick. Any thoughts? The fixing of the...
  10. D

    How much for 16,000 sheets of plasterboard?

    If you were a large developer or you had the room in your lockup then I think you might clean up. Container Clearance of Plasterboard | Self Trading - Wholesale Clearance Surplus Excess Cheap Pallets Bankrupt Stock :arabia:
  11. F

    Fixing Aquapanel with plasterboard adhesive

    Hi All Wonder if anyone can advise on this - I'm installing a corner quadrant shower - plan A was to batten the wall, add Aquapanel, then tile onto it. Because I've been stupid and didn't check, the joist interferes with the position of the waste from the shower tray. :mad2: In order to give me...
  12. M

    Tanking or skimming plasterboard?

    Hello folks. We're having a bathroom and ensuite retiled and have put up normal 12.5mm plasterboard. I've just discovered backerboard and tanking but it's now too late to rip off the plasterboard as I'm not in charge of the project and my dad is set in his way - once it's on, it ain't coming...
  13. P

    PVA plasterboard or not?

    Hi everyone I am a newbie - have introduced myself in the Newbie thread..... about to tile my bathroom, never done it before so I am looking at it as a challenge!! I have had new plasterboard walls and ceiling, will I first have to pava walls? I have read conflicting views, some say yes some...
  14. D

    plasterboard tape and tank around bath?

    Hi I have a bath with two old uneven walls . The owner has had problems with previously sealing around the bath , including the ceiling below bulging and nearly collapsing . He has bought me the large flexible ( moving ) bead that seals the bath ( gemini I think ) . It moves as possibly the...
  15. O

    Should I prime Green Plasterboard before tanking?

    My first post on this forum so please excuse a newbie question. I have fitted green water resistant plasterboard to my bathroom walls. For the shower area, do I need to prime the the plasterboard before applying tanking (BAL WP1 kit), or is it fine to tank directly?
  16. J

    tiling onto plasterboard questions?

    hello 1) I have some mapei primer G, shall i give it a coat over some plasterboard prior to tiling and if so what are the reasons for this? 2) Im using large ceramic tiles in a bathroom. for adhesive i was thinking cementious (not repidset) should i need flexible? thanks
  17. D

    marble on to plasterboard

    hi all. tiling marble on to plasterboard???? guy just rang looking me to go price a bathroom, when he told me it was plasterboarded was thinking take it off and do with ply and tank, but maybe thats to drastic .. anyone got any handier ideas?
  18. P

    bent plasterboard ?

    Hi lads great forum as always just wondered what would be the solution in this situation ive seen walls say in a downstairs loo and the plasterboard doesnt stay flush from one end to another it starts ok then sort of bends back into the studs at the other end if you get me would this be...
  19. S

    Pink Plasterboard

    Hi All Has anyone tiled onto pink plasterboard with powder or paste adhesives? Have had conflicting information from a couple of the manufactureres concerning priming. Simon
  20. N

    plasterboard choice????

    i am a very keen DIYer and i am currently gutting a complete house and slowly putting it all back together. i have used standard 12.5mm plasterboard everywhere else and have now come to do the bathroom. the plan is the have all the walls tiled to the celing all round. My question is.... if...



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