
  1. J

    Type of Primer

    i am about to tile my bathroom using a rapid set (powdered) adhesive using 500 x 200mm ceramic tiles. One of the walls has previously been painted. The paint is well adhered to the surface cant scrape off. What advice on a good primer to use on this surface Thanks
  2. V

    Mapei tanking peeling of the wall

    Hi Ive tanked bathroom walls (aquapanel and hardie) using Mapei aquadefense(no primer as advised by mapei support) After 2 days product peeling of the wall in large sheets. Ive rang Mapei again to hear that is perfectly normal And "tiles won't come off as different type of pressure is...
  3. A

    Primer evostik SBR?

    I'm using no more ply however there is no SBR primer in the tile shop so they gave me evostik. Is the 918 evolved primer the same stuff as the SBR recommended for the ply. There's just something at the back of my mind telling they are the same primer. I forget where I heard this not being the...
  4. A

    What acrylic primer?

    Happy new year gents. I'll soon be fixing very large tiles on water resistant plasterboard, is the Mapei acrylic primer from Screwfix okay or what would you recommend? Regards
  5. J

    T&G boards tiling on top of????

    hello, ive got a job coming up and there could be a deal with the step at the entrance of the wet room. ive looked in tilemaster product guide and it says you can tile on top t&g boards after priming with prime+grip primer. Has anyone done this before??
  6. S

    Mapei primer G required?

    Please can anyone advise if Mapei primer G is required when using Mapei buildfix wall tile adhesive on newly (8 weeks ago) skimmed bathroom walls? Or can I just use the adhesive straight onto the plastered walls? Thanks very much for any advice
  7. O

    Tiling onto ply

    Hi guys, OK, I know you shouldn't tile onto ply if avoided, in bathrooms especially, but.. Got a job to do a small amount of tiling behind the end of a 'free standing' bath and a sink/toilet below window height. The builders/plumber that prepped the area used ply to box the area. I am going to...
  8. Mapei UK Marketing

    Mapei UK Tiling Courses and Training Days - Discussion Thread

    Mapei Ceramic Product Training Day at Mapei Training Centre in the Midlands, UK.
  9. Andy Allen


    Do you use the same primer make as the adhesive or do you use say tilemaster primer and weber adhesive. I know manufacturers will say you have to use the same but there selling the the real world is primer not just the same with different labels?
  10. U

    No primer

    talking to a rep ,he said no need to prime ply or plaster,the flexi addy already got built in polymers and addittives ,what you think
  11. C

    Primer help

    Hi guys, wonder if someone can help with wall primers! I am re tiling our shower over the bath, tanking the 2/3 of the walls. Due to last minute plumbing issues we have changed the wall in which the shower will be installed, however the walls have already been primed. :oops: So now i have the...
  12. C

    Tanking primer

    Hi guys, quick question. Is tanking primer that comes in the kits (everbuild aquaseal) suitable for priming walls prior to tiling that wont be tanked? I have alot of the stuff left id rather use up, was planning to use mapei plaster primer on remaining wall but its going alot furthur than i...
  13. D

    Priming Green Plasterboard

    Hello All Do you still need to prime Green plasterboard before tiling with a cement based adhesive & porcelain tiles 600mm x 300mm . I have primed the shower area & tanked with the Mapei Kit. Thanks all
  14. area tiling

    Ardex 51 Primer

    Anyone used this primer on a hemi hydrate liquid screed floor , says on the technical site only needs diluted 1 to 3 , and that one coat is sufficient!! Any primers I've used on these screeds before are all 2 coats rolled in opposite directions to each other ?
  15. J

    Bellitex Flow Screed

    Hi all I know I'm not a regular poster on here but would be grateful for some advice on a flow screed. My colleague is tiling a large floor that has been filled over the ufh with Bellitex floor screed made be Tarmac. The screeder has advised us that this Bellitex screed takes 21 days to cure...
  16. O

    Tanking Days Before Tiles Go On, Is It Ok?

    Bathroom will be tiled soon, probably upto a week from now. However to save time I dont mind tanking the over bath area myself. I have bought an aquaseal kit, in the various steps listed it says a minimum of 6 hours between first and second coat of tanking membrane. Hence time wasted around...
  17. C

    Marmox Multiboard - Priming

    Can anyone advise me on whether I should prime marmox multiboard with BAL SBR before tiling using BAL Single Part Flexible adhesive or can I tile straight onto the boards. Thanks
  18. C

    Tiling Over Plywood, Slightly

    Hi I have to tile over plywood boxed in pipes and will be using Bal one part flexible adhesive. The instructions state for timber flooring you should overlay with exterior ply and prime all timber surfaces on back face and edges with neat BAL BOND SBR priming agent. So my question is why do you...
  19. B

    Mosaics On Wood

    Just a quick question,I have been asked to fit mosaics onto the front of a curved bar,the bar is veneer wood,I am after something to paint onto it before applying adhesive that will ensure the mosaics will stayed fixed,any ideas?
  20. D

    Tile Over Bitumen

    Any suggestions. I have removed parquet flooring in order to lay ceramic tiles. Questions are ... 1.Can I lay direct onto the old bitumen residue that is left on the concrete , no lumps left just thin residue. If so should I prime first with neoprene primer , then lay tiles. 2. Other area...



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