
  1. B

    Peeling Primer on skim (BAL APD)

    Good evening all, A few weeks ago I skimmed our bathroom wall, let it dry (6weeks) and then primed it with neat BAL APD primer in preparation for tiling as per instructions. Once dry the primer could be peeled off easily like PVA does from your skin. I spoke with BAL technical support who...
  2. M

    Left over primer

    Hiya guys got some primer G left after doing the underneath and sides of the WBP is it worth giving the top a coat, As I'm more than likely to just throw away if not. Oh before you ask Wedi boards UHF SLC then tiles
  3. B

    Ardex primer ?

    Hi guys posted a while back about tiling my nephews bathroom after putting plasterboard up, anyway i've put the board up (normal board) and it is now ready for tiling, i have bought some sbr but a builder in local said i mustn't use sbr as a primer for tiling onto ? Instead buy a proper primer...
  4. M

    Anything wrong with aluminuim primer?

    Hi, Bought some aluminium primer from wickes to prime 18mm ply on floor to then have flexi adhesive and insulation boards for ufh. Is aluminium prime ok to use? Also, what flexi adhesive would you recommend? Thanks
  5. N

    bal primer

    Hi all any alternative to bal primer to prime concrete floors as my local shop sells 1L tubs only ? thanks
  6. G

    Primer required on Hardiebacker before SLC ?

    Hi, I'm about to lay my Devi UFH on Hardibacker 250 and then was planning to level/fill with SLC before tiling (Travertine, Keraquick white). Do I need to use a primer on Hardibacker? If so should I prime the whole floor before laying the UFH or just the areas that don't have the heating mat...
  7. B

    Primer G Removal

    I have had a bit of a beast and have got splashes of Primer G all over my lovely new bath. It has dried and I have no idea how to remove it. I have tried hot water and a green cloth to no avail. I am loath to try to scrape it off as I dont want to risk scratching the bath. Is there a chemical I...
  8. N

    primer on slc

    Hi all do you put primer on slc before tiling? many thanks
  9. K

    Mapei Ultraplan SLC and which primer?

    Hi, first off, what a great site! Currently doing a tiling course and I'm on summer holiday so can't ask my tutor. I'm sure you guys could help. I'm leveling a concrete floor next week using Mapei Ultraplan Renovation Screed. The customer phoned me to order the materials and under pressure...
  10. P

    Weber 360 primer

    Hi lads does anyone use this what i wanted to know is it clear ie not coloured ?
  11. M

    What primer should I use for a concrete floor

    HI, I am about to tile with porcelain tiles onto a concrete floor in a new build flat. Tiles are I am told 30 x 40cm. Three areas to do, bathroom, kitchen and hall. Floors are apparently dry and confirmed as such, because client is having a wooden floor also installed in the lounge area and...
  12. M

    primer /sbr

    hi all can anyone pass on any info on sbr what does it stand for ? uses as a primer, what situations where it would be better to use it as a primer, do i dilute it or is it straight out of the bottle,reading the info on the side ,is it mainly used for a sluury coat ,its just a lot of you guys...
  13. T

    Which primer

    Hello, I went to buy tiles from local shop today and the guy in there advised me to prime my plywood over board with Pva glue and water to prevent it from rotting should any moisture get in there after tiles are down. Thing is I have read I should not do this. Any views on this or any...
  14. R

    Matt emulsion paint as primer for plastered wall before tiling?

    I've never heard of the above method being used. I was told by an experienced builder that this is what to use. Basically 3/4 of the plasterboard walls were taken off, new plasterboard put up, then had a skim of plaster to match up to what part of the walls wasn't taken down. The plaster has had...
  15. H

    plaster primer

    hi ive brought some mapei plaster primer and would like to no what mix it should be diluted for tiling as the instructions aren't clear thx
  16. P

    underfloor heating thermal primer

    does underfloor heating thermal primer work well over asphalt covered concrete floor,
  17. B

    Plaster drying time / primer to use before tanking

    Hi all....... two questions if i may........may be tiling a shower room in the next couple of days (all four walls / enclosed shower cubicle walls tiled as well) present the substrate is moisture board (plaster board)......client is getting plasterer in to skim coat the
  18. I

    Help: Which primer for SHOWER SPLASH area ?

    Members, I'm retiling the splash area of a shower. A shower mixer joint started leaking very slowly, so tiles and plaster had to be removed to rectify the leaking joint. The joint seems fine now, and the wall has been replastered and had over 6 weeks to dry. I'm not planning on retiling the...
  19. G

    Can I use primer

    Hi all quick question I know not to use pva on Walls and to use primer but can primer be used instead of pva to prep a wall for a little patching of plaster ? Cheers in advance
  20. S

    topps toppfix flexi / primer

    what primer would you recomend with this, ive been using bal APD but the only job i had in december rang back to say some grout was cracking went round and sure enough some tiles were loose the ply was already down even before the kitchen went in and it was well screwed down looking around...

