
  1. T

    Removing stain from white quartz

    the wife decided to clean contents from inside oven, the ones where you put it all in a bag and pour in chemicals and leave overnight, well the bag had a hole in it and she decided to put a towel down and stick it on the tiles without me knowing. Came down in the morning looked it at it and said...
  2. F

    Removing scuff marks from black floor tiles

    I have laid some black floor tiles which have a slightly textured semi-matt finish. They are as hard as any I have ever used and a B**** to cut but they are now down. To my horror they scuff very easily and where I fitted the toilet there are some marks in the tile surface. I am not sure if...
  3. JordanLincs

    Subfloor prep advice

    So I have two new quotes and I'm a tiling virgin so want to be prepared for what to expect. Any tips on the subfloor prep is much appreciated. I'm panicking about making a mistake or drastically underestimating the time required to prep. 1. Old floor and wall tiles need removing and placing...
  4. D

    Removing old tiles and floorboards

    Hi Im trying to prep my bathroom for a re-fit, but am struggling with takin up the old tiles and floorboards. The tiles just chip in small peices, and the floorboard screws are impossible to get too because of the glue used on the tiles. I’m running out of patience... can anyone give me...
  5. jobdone

    Preparation Best way of removing adhesive and flees backing from screed

    I have approx 100m2 over 3 rooms to strip back the old adhesive and fleese backing left by the detria mat. It all has to come up as I need to meet and existing floor in one door way. What would be the best machine to assist me in this task. Many thanks David
  6. T

    Regrout job. Is my tiler removing enough old grout?

    Getting a bathroom regrouted, bit concerned tiler has only taken the top layer of old grout out. Thought at least 3mm of tile sides needed exposing for the new grout to adhere? Please let me know your opinions.
  7. R

    Bathroom Wall Help after Removing Tiles

    Hi All, I am after some advice. I have removed tiles from my bathroom but have been left with very poor walls where the adhesive has brought the plaster away. It looks like it is blocks which have been plastered onto directly so cannot reboard and tile onto that directly which is what I have...
  8. W

    Removing adhesive from marble shower tray

    I'm changing a shower cubicle and the old one had been bedded to the tray with adhesive. I've scraped a lot off but it's still not smooth enough. Obviously I can't use anything acid based to clean it up so is it a case of sand and polish after?
  9. F

    Removing paint from plasterboard before tiling

    Hi guys, I cannot find a decent/fully applicable answer to this anywhere! Please help! Substrate is painted plaster board. It was painted 2 years or so ago by the house builders, trade white, so is all very sound. Tiles are 300x600 so I’m not happy with just scoring the paint to get a key...
  10. O

    Arrrgh! Damp after removing tiles!

    Just taken the tiles up on my present job. The floor is damp! I’m guessing that’s put a stop to this job until my customer sorts it. So annoyed!!
  11. T

    Removing emulsion before tiling

    Hi folks, I'm about to tile a kitchen in a new build. It's about 6 months old so has that magnolia emulsion all over the place. I've given quite a low estimate so really need to finish it in one day. Was wondering what is the quickest way to remove relatively fresh emulsion? I'm sure with it...
  12. J

    Removing tile adhesive

    Afternoon all, Can I please just canvas you all on the best way to remove old adhesive when removing tiles. Do you have any tips and methods please? new to it all so all advice appreciated. Thanks
  13. A

    Surface Preparation after Removing Old Tiles

    First of all a big shout out to everyone that contributes to these forums in terms of help and advice - I don't post often but I really appreciate the tips that I've been able to pick up here - if only I had the time and money to put more of them into practice! Right now I am having a go at...
  14. E

    HELP! I've ruined a patch of cementboard by removing a tile

    Help! I've totally screwed up! My DIY tiling job has gone pear shaped because I wanted to remove one tile that was more sunken than all the rest. Now I wish I had just lived with it. Basically, I tried to remove the tile so I could replace it, but in doing so, chipped two others. So they...
  15. A

    Removing Scratches From Porcelain Bathroom Tiles

    Would anyone be able to advise if there is anyway of removing surface scratches to porcelain bathroom tiles. I have one tile that has 3 scratches on it that I can feel with my finger nail. They are in the window of the bathroom so clearly visible. Any help of advice appreciated.
  16. M

    Removing Vynal tile glue

    Hi All Got to a job this morning. Customer has taken up old vynal tiles. The glue under them is sticky to the point I have never seen before. It had torn apart my knee pads and the soul or my work shoes (granted they are old). Razor blades are not making a dent in it. Any ideas anyone...
  17. S

    Removing Squaredged tile-trim.

    Have a customer who has had a bathroom tiled with some of it only half tiled 2 months ago , she has decided that she wants it all tiled . Has anyone got a proven method for removing square edged trim without chipping or loosening the existing tiles so I can fully tile it . There 660x300...
  18. B

    Help Removing Old Tiles

    Any advice on removing difficult tiles welcome. I've got about one third of the old tiles off in my bathroom which have been there since the house was built in the sixties. Some came off relatively easy with a hammer a brick chisel but others just wont budge. I bought an sds drill and tile...
  19. B

    Removing paint from walls

    Has any one a quick and clean method for removing emulsion from walls as have a feature wall to do in a newly painted and furnished room.
  20. M

    Removing bathroom tiles damaged plaster

    Hello, I have removed old bathroom tiles in preparation for putting up new ceramic tiles. In the process of removing the old tile skim coat and some other plaster below this has come off also, leaving a powdery plaster type substance and in some places exposed concrete (concrete constructed...



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