
  1. F

    WC Pan Screws

    For years I've begrudged paying £5/6 quid for the 'Fisher' pan screws just for the privilege of a couple of plastic collars and caps. Guess who similar for £1.12 Good old B&Q If you lot have paid that price for years don't tell me lol
  2. S

    splash back screws

    Hello everyone, can anyone tell me the size of screws needed ,when a splash back has been added to a kitchen, to secure the sockets back to the wall. Length and diameter would be great , please. Danny.
  3. V

    Aquapanel screws too long - Any alternatives?

    :smash:Hi, I'm new to this site and I think it's amazing that their is so much too tiling than meets the eye. Great source of information! I've finally decided to use Aquapanel on one side of a stud wall. The Aquapanel screws that I bought seem too long, if I use these then they will go right...
  4. S

    The right screws please Grommit!

    Another post for you seasoned tilers.... Whats the right screw type and size to use to fix my 18mm plywood down onto bare joist floor. Steve
  5. K

    Socket screws

    Hello all, What is the best way of shortening a socket screw? I have had to replace some existing ones with longer screws but they are a bit too long. Don't want to bugger up any of my tools by using the wrong thing. Thanks Kirstie
  6. L

    what screws to use for plying out

    hi all just getting a load a kit together and some handy bits and peices to hand.wondering really what is the best type of screw you guys use and the length of them to enable to screw through a plyed out room into floorbords without going through both lots and into a possible pipe.cheers all
  7. J

    Where to buy backer-on screws in UK

    I am looking for the green hardibacker board screws which I believe are sold as backer-on. Any takers?
  8. R

    Nomoreply - which adhesive & screws?!?!?!?

    Afternoon, Just wondering if I have to use the nomoreply branded adhesive and screws or is there a cheaper option out there? Can I use, say, no more nails adhesive and plasterboard screws? If it helps I've got 18mm chipboard and I'll be adding 6mm nomoreply then Ditra matting, underfloor...
  9. P

    Hardibacker screws

    Hi,I'm a new member ,could anyone tell me where I can get some short screws for hardibacker board.The one's at topps tiles are 34mm and are too long I need some around 25mm. Thanks Peter.
  10. K

    Toilet stuck!! How do you get those floors screws out?

    Trying to remove the toilet to tile underneath but cannot get those flippin' screws out that attch toilet bowl to floor. I hear they get corroded into concrete pretty quickly. We want to re use the tioilet bowl so smashing it is not really the option. We've tried drilling them out with a steel...
  11. J

    Which screws are best

    What type of screws does everyone use for laying ply on floors, and which ones do you think are best?



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