
  1. G

    Should I tank a bath refit and with what?

    New to tanking and have to refit a bathroom. Strip out with tiles off. Plasterboarded so not sure how it'll go, they either fall off or take the wall with them. If it goes okay I could prime and just retile or I can tank. If walls fall apart I can plasterboard and tank or re-board with tile...
  2. D

    This stuff should be stopped IMO it will get our trade a very bad name :thumbsdown:
  3. Chalker

    Why you should do a bounce test and then check the floor

    Started a bathroom today, bounced on the floor and in more than one place it was terrible. So instead of taking traps up and fitting noggins ,i decided to lift the whole floor. heres what I found! no noggins at all. no perimeter noggins. two of the joists were nearly an inch from touching the...
  4. M

    am i rite in saying there either should of been trim or the tiles shou

    this is me brothere missus's moms bathroom my bro wants similar so need to know where to get similar tiles cheap as ya can like :thumbsup:... also I am thinking the window and half height should of been finished with a trim? opinions please thank you.
  5. P

    Floor Level - What should I expect?

    We live in an Edwardian House and recently commissioned a bathroom specialist to install a new bathroom and tile the room. The room was created from an existing en-suite bathroom and some loft space that had not been utilised. The builders we have used to create the space left the timber...
  6. T

    Anyone with kids and iPhones or iPods should read this

    On my way to measure a job last night when the wife phones me crying, what's up I ask her in a panic she'd been round the shop to get something and her card was rejected so she comes home and checks her account and it turns out my 10 year old son has run up a bill on a free app for ...
  7. R

    What should I do ?

    Can I just adhesive over this?
  8. G

    Where should tile finish in a doorway?

    I had my tiles fitted 18 months ago and have just got around to fitting some doors (long project), my question is have the tiles been finished in the correct place? They over lap into the door way so effectively finishing under the door when it is closed, however the door opens in to a room...
  9. peteablard

    Dewalt D24000, Should I get one.....

    I've been promising myself one of these for ages and thanks to a stone job I've got coming up in October the time has come! It will be used indoors mostly in a shopfitting environment so the trays to catch excess water are a big plus for me. I just wanted to confirm that this would be the best...
  10. L

    About to start a kitchen floor, what should i use

    Hi all i am currently about to start a kitchen and hall floor, the ufh will run from the kitchen through to the hall. The kitchen floor had some cracks in from when it was extended in the 80's. It has since had some levelling compound put down. What i was wondering is, whats stages should i...
  11. J

    Should Hardiebacker boards be used or not?

    Hi All I’ve just had a loft conversion with one of the rooms being a bathroom. The floor is P5 grade (the green tinted moisture resistant stuff) 22mm chipboard and has been layed absolutely flat. The walls are skimmed plasterboard. I would like both floor and walls tiled but it's the floor...
  12. C

    What thickness of adhesive should I use?

    Hi all, I have had a liquid screed floor with underfloor heating installed. The screed has been down since July and has been warmed up as the hard frosts hit. The underfloor installer said I need to put a laybond epoxy sealer on first before laying tiles. I am going to have a go at laying the...
  13. F

    Should my wetroom floor move that much?

    Hi, I am after some advice from those in the know. We have had a wetroom installed, and the shower area has a marmox tray under mosaic tiles. Its been in about four weeks, and there are lines of grout coming away. The floor, when finished has always seemed to have too much 'give' and my...
  14. R

    How should I build my floor to accomodate future tiles?

    Hi all, I know questions regarding wooden type floors has been asked many times on many forums, as Ive been reading. However, I feel I need to ask the question specific to my own project to feel confident I'm doing the right thing. I'll try to keep it short and to the point but hopefully...
  15. J

    Taking on an apprentice and should they go to college

    I have been doing a lot of thinking recently about my business now i am getting older what with knee and shoulder problems. I actually need to grow my business to cover my wages overseeing more work and i am at a dilemma as to whether i should just take on more sub contractors or employ as I...
  16. M

    when should slow set floor adhesive be used?

    is it just a personal thing or is there a reason slow set is still around?
  17. C

    Slate floor - is this as good as you should expect?

    We have just had a slate floor laid. Tiler was pleased with the tiles, looked great, then it was sealed. The main problem is that there are long brushstrokes visible across tiles in a number of areas. Its also patchy in places and there are grey areas where the slate doesn't look clean -...
  18. Dan

    My Amarok should be here in a week or so

    Can't find the original thread, I'll transfer this post over to it if I manage to. But I thought I'd say my Amarok should be here in a week or so! It's in the country at a port, and is on it's way to the dealers (I've had to pay £245 + VAT for "delivery" to the dealers?!?!?! WTF?!?! - asked if...
  19. J

    should i dot dab ???

    Hi guys I have been reading on the forums and I was wondering if anyone could give me some advice? Renovating a bathroom and need to tile an external wall, but the problem is I can tell that as soon as I remove the old tiles the plaster is going to come off the wall. So I have decided to take...
  20. Dan

    Should I protect polished porcelain from staining?

    Polished Porcelain Tiles – Are they maintenance free? LTP recommends that you protect polished porcelain when fitting by applying an impregnating sealer to ensure the best resistance to staining. It is also important to make sure that polished porcelain is … Continue reading → More... Auto Feed...



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