
  1. D

    New Silicon gun in action

    OK today the overnighted dark-blue mosaic did not turn-up GREAT! , so we got the brand new Silicon gun out to form the expansion joints , my helper modelling nice trainers mate !!
  2. D

    How do you Silicon ?

    This is not my best subject !, so how do you guys get a really professional finish on your jobs ? talk -us through it or give us your tips please ?:thumbsup:
  3. 2

    colour matched Silicon?

    Hi chaps. I going for white matt 300x600 tiles with cement grey grout. Should I colour match the internal corners with same colour Silicon or go for white? All opinions gratefully received. Thanks.
  4. D

    Silicon around bathroom floor

    I am thinking it would give a nice neat edge to Silicon around the edge of my bathroom floor. Is this advisable, or should I stay with grout?
  5. C

    Silicon or not?

    Probably a typical novice question but installing a new marmox trap in a newly installed marmox shower lay tray and was wondering if the rubber seal supplied is adequate to seal the trap or if most of you like to smear with a Silicon (or equivalent) sealant onto the rubber to tray seal? I've...
  6. R

    Silicon sealant on surface of plasterboard

    Hi everyone. After sealing a plasterboard wall with Silicon sealant i managed to get quiet a bit on the surface of the board, my concern is the the adhesive will not stick to the plasterboard. if I have to try to remove it what are my options
  7. B

    Strong Silicon Adhesive - Shower Screen with no bottom fixing

    Hi all, Wanted some advice on the best Silicon to use. Im installing a wetroom shower screen, 1.3mx2m. There is a silver strip which attaches to the wall and is screwed in, into which the glass slides. however there is no bar for the bottom of the screen, and the instructions recomment the use...
  8. O

    What is your method of Silicon removal?

    I am getting more and more jobs that require the removal of old mouldy Silicon around shower trays and baths. Whistle this has never been a speedy job,does anyone have any tips that will speed the job up? Are those specialist Silicon removing corner tools safe on the baths/tray's? Is there...
  9. area tiling

    Light grey Silicon

    Can anyone recommend a light grey Silicon , am not that impressed with the coloration of the weber grey Silicon , it's not a great match with their grey wide-flex grout !
  10. C

    Mat black Silicon

    ...anyone know where to get this?
  11. O

    Neutral cure/Low modulus Silicon

    Like a few others on here, I too am a having a problem sourcing Silicon suitable for use with stone,unless you want order a box of 12 and want to wait 10 days for delivery. I see a few people have recommended this brand OTTOSEAL® S70 Natural Stone Silicon Sealant Jasmine (C08) - Otto-Chemie...
  12. C

    Wet Polishing Vs Dry Polishing - Diamond pads vs Silicon Carbide

    Wet Vs Dry polishing, which is better? We get asked this daily. There is really no definitive answer as in most cases there is a crossover area where both are as effective as the other. The only way to really compare the two processes is to actually talk through the products individually and...
  13. 2

    Silicon tips?

    I hate siliconing & can't get a decent finish, it's making my tiling look unprofesional , so wondering if theres any easy way to get a neet finish ? or at a push someone who could do it for me after each job? :thumbsup:
  14. F

    Help - Silicon joint on ribbed tiles!!!

    Hi everyone. This is my first post on this forum after taking some very sound advice for my first tiling job. I have fitted a new bathroom and carried out all the tiling myself without any prior experience and I'm pretty happy with how it's turned out. It has taken me nearly every weekend over...
  15. M

    En-suite main work finished bar Silicon...

    Hi, So I've got to the end of the main chunk of the work... finally... and it's looking pretty good if I do say so myself. Sorry about the photo quality (there are plenty more poor quality photos of the complete build, start to finish) and the walls and tiles are genuinely much straighter than...
  16. J

    Tiling Approach and a Silicon question

    Hi All, Many thanks for all your help and advice over the last few months! If I hadn't looked on here the bathroom may well of already started to fail by now. Anyway, i'm tiling my bathroom (500x200mm ceramics brick bond) the substrate is tanked Hardibacker in the wet areas and moisture...
  17. D

    Unibond black Silicon.

    Customer was supplied with some unibond black Silicon... Well what a pile of poo it is IMO. Gunned the Silicon in and then a quick spray with soapy water for tooling in , and then it started with dissolve FFS .. Ahhhhh had to clean it all back out with Silicon wipes... 45 mins later ...
  18. R

    Silicon bath seal

    I am re-sealing a (builder installed) bath. It has some whacking gaps to the bottom of the tiles and so it will take far more Silicon than is ideal (& using my referred BAL microban it will be £20 seal) so... Is there a way to pack it out (a little) first with ano cheaper sealant - acrylic...
  19. I

    nicobond Silicon...

    ....used this today..silver grey...blooming lovely to a nice go as far as to say the best Silicon ive used yet...
  20. I

    bal mircroflex white grout and Silicon

    ...used the Bal mircoflex grout..white..and it dries light grey..wont be using that again..and as for the Silicon.what a load of poo...would not stick to the porcelain...not matter how much I clean the tile it want having it..



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