
  1. M

    Micro-cracks to SLC poured on top of Wunda UFH boards

    Hi all, Was looking for some advice in regards to micro-cracks appearing on the SLC on top of the Wunda rapid response system that was put down. The boards were primed twice with Mapei Eco Grip Plus before Mapei renovation screed 3240 was poured on top. The cracks appeared after 2-3 days of...
  2. V

    Ensuite Tiling. SLC on HardieBacker?

    Hi, I'm looking for some advice on the best method to level my ensuite floor. The floor is green chipboard over joists. Chipboard is screwed and glued and very secure. Stud walls over the top so no chance/appetite of taking it up to sister joists. The floor is flat but not 100% level, if it...
  3. P

    UK Micro-cracks in new Self Leveling Compound

    Hi! I'm looking for some advice, I have laid some SLC (Mapei 1210) in our conservatory in preparation for tiling. A couple of days after there's a lot of very fine cracks which have appeared, you can't even feel with a fingernail. Am I okay to proceed in laying my Ditra or should I rip the SLC...
  4. R

    Advise on Ardex SLC and adhesive please

    Moved this as I incorrectly posted in the Pro forum! Hi all, Finally getting to lay the tiles in our renovated kitchen tomorrow, its been slow going but the end is in sight! Tiles are 200x200x9 porcelain Floor will be levelled with Ardex NA. Thinking A77 for adhesive and wanted to get you guys...
  5. Mtile89

    Slc or ditra mat to tile over UFH?

    Hi I asked the Wunda technical department if I can just use a Ditra mat only and not the SLC. They said the Decoupling membranes are fine to use, they just don't form part of their normal recommendations. They advise that it would be best to bond the Ditra mat down with the recommended tile...
  6. Steve_Bcs

    Porcelain SLC over old tile adhesive

    Further to my other post re our hollow tiles issue It looks like our tiler has dot and dabbed most of our floor to accommodate tiling 800x800 porcelain over an uneven floor. The gap from defrac membrane to the underside of the tiles in question is around 20mm. The membrane sits directly on our...
  7. S

    Ruined Self-level compound?

    Hi all, So laid some SLC in my hall and kitchen it's not the first time I've done it but this one hasn't gone to plan and was hoping for some opinions on whether it needs ripping up or not? Below is 2 coats of black jack, then a coat of SBR diluted and left to dry with another coat of...
  8. T

    SLC over Durabase CI++. Have you?

    I'm interested to know if anyone has used SLC over Durabase CI++. I know that Schulter advise against using SLC over Ditra but is it the same with Durabase CI++? Having had a look at the technical data sheets etc there is no mention unlike Schulter who state not too. I also note from comments on...
  9. oktorockto

    Phil Hobson SLC Dot and Runner Method

    Hi, this is my first post here in an amazing forum where I have learned so much. I've used SLC a few times in the past but have loads of levelling to do in my 60s bungalow where the floors have dropped. I'm using Arditex Na in two layers with DPM1C in the middle. I can see why Phil Hobson is...
  10. T

    Help. SLC failed under tiles.

    Hi, a few years ago I used SLC in a conservatory on to the original concrete base. I primed and followed the pack instructions and info I found on here and let it set for a few weeks I think before tiling over it (I don't rush these things) Now the tiles sound hollow in certain areas. I...
  11. R

    Floor Preparation - Dry Pack or SLC

    I’m planning on tiling a kitchen floor in an older property that has had previous modifications. After removing some stud partition walls to create a square space I have two separate sections of floor which will require preparation. One section (2m2) is a concrete slab about 40mm lower than the...
  12. R

    Do I need to SBR over SLC?

    Hi, Do I SBR over such before laying ditra then tiling? Have some bostik cementone so was going to prime it? How essential is getting the ration of the primer if I do need to prime it? Thanks
  13. K

    Tile onto SLC

    Can I tile onto SLC or will I need membrane or backer board
  14. H

    Staplegunning UFH Stickymat to prevent it rising/floating into SLC?

    In two minds as to whether to go for UFH stickymat (followed by decoupling membrane on top) or more expensive UFH decoupler 2 in 1 system If the former, has anyone had luck preventing the stickymat from floating up into the levelling compound by staple gunning the mat itself onto the tile...
  15. N

    Screed / SLC over old marleys

    Hi all, I have a room full of old asbestos marleys in good condition (apart from a few chips by carpet grippers). Can anyone recommend a screed / slc to go directly over the top of the tiles? I don't want to pull them up. Thanks
  16. D

    Floor build-up advice with Hardiebacker

    Hi everyone, I'm looking for some advice on final floor buildup. We're installing a shower tray onto ply (with grab addy), it's 1700x800mm so should perform as a wetroom, closed on all sides apart from a bit at the end of one side to get in and out. So my question is about the rest of the floor...
  17. R

    Preparing a thermoplastic tiled floor

    First of all, I'm sure this question has been asked a thousand times so apologies in advance! A little info: I've just moved into a 1950's bungalow and have got 3 rooms plus a hallway which appear to have the red/brown thermoplastic floor tiles laid with a bitumen adhesive. Just from a bit of...
  18. B

    What tape to use in slc?

    Hi all. I have 40sqm of floor to pour slc over. Half is concrete and half is 25mm plywood over new solid joists. Where they meet at the is pretty near level but concrete does dip by about 8mm at one area. I am using Mapei Ultraplan as it is fibre reinforced and was also recommended to...
  19. B

    Do i need hardiebacker on slc?

    Hi all, I am replacing my ground floor suspended floor joists as they are rotten...replacing with new c24 tanalised 7x3's at 400 centres with noggins and overboarded with 25mm hardwood plywood. I will be using mapei ultraplan over this to bring it level with another part of the ground floor. I...
  20. Steve_Bcs

    Which slc for levelling a plywood floor

    I have for my sins purchased a lightweight ABS shower tray ( podium from plumbword). It needs a dead level surface to be bonded into place onto. My 18mm ply base is out by 5mm at one side so I need to level it from 0- 5mm across a metre in one direction. Which slc would be appropriate? Thanks



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